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The Official flag of the Mudskipper Regiment.

Mudskipper Regiment[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]

The Mudskipper regiment is a micronation in Slovakia which has no ownership of land what so ever, and was never recognised as "existig" by sovereign states. It's an autonome group of individuals with military servitude background. Formally reffered to as "slave boys" by their prisoner overlords. They seek freedom from the conquering slave masters to whom they simply reffer to as " Aktivní Vánice ", which were accused of numerous war crimes against humanity and animals alike.

History[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]

In the 2018 Blizzcon a game by the name of Diablo Immortal was announced by Blizzard Entertainment and NetEase. To accelerate the development process NetEase made a contract with Czech president Miloš Zeman. Contents of this arrangement were as follows. NetEase would set up sweatshops with tribalistic nature in the forrest of Zlín and in return, China would "play with the election vote count" as Xi Jinping put it, and supply Miloš Zeman with numerous amount of alcoholic bewerages. Additional camps were built in Vietnam, South Korea, Germany and Japan. Yet it's still unknown why NetEase officially chose this forest as the location for their sweatshop, although some sources believe they wanted their manufacture to be located near Brno but the diplomat who was assigned to present Chinas demands missunderstood his order because, the distance from Brno wasn't determined by his superiors so he decided Zlín would be the construction ground. He was executed shortly after. With the campsite established by local builders the first batch of developers and labour workers was delivered. Developer team consisted out of former developers who worked on projects such as Arma 3 and the entirety of DayZ developer team ( from obvious reasons ).The labour force was formed from low security prisons, out of which mostly ethnic individuals were selected and from marginalised groups. Afterwards the development process for Diablo started. Creating the game was outstandingly difficult for several factors. Firstly the computers for programing and modeling were not given, so they had to resolve to mobile devices. This was't very convencional by any means because the output for these actions needed to be so high it commonly outdone the maximum power capacity of the mobile devices. This meant that the personnel had to frequently switch phones for rendering models and game testing. But again they had no other choice. Another problem arise because development style that uses phones as primary equipment starts taking a toll on the general moral of the developers. Later it has become so awful that the members of the labour force, who were exposed too by cleaning near the development team, had to get routine checks in medical for signs of dementia. This continued on until, 6.2. 2019 when an sudden power outage stricken, when the main power source was chewed up by beavers. The weather was rainy and the power shortage made for excellent opportunity to escape. Weather was misty, and the power out. Great opportunity for escape was created. One man John Sobota, was especially thrilled. He gathered all of the labor slaves including the developers and he marched in the first line to the back gate which was less guarded then the main one. They've split into two group. The first one was the old and weak carried on the backs of their fellow labor workers. The second was distracting the guards with John Sobota leading the revolt. After breaching the back gate John Sobota told his comrades to find vehicles that could carry them  through the country's borders. They quickly noticed that all the vehicles were guarded by speakers playing 10 hours of China's communist music which was like tear gas to people who had to listen to it every day for 6 months. As everything seemed to be lost and men started to reconcile with the fate that awaited them, John Sobota brought out his last ace from his sleeve. From the beginning he was holding on to one chap. Nobody knew his name, man only knew dude came from the DayZ team. He wore a great red cape with yellow stars made from curtain that he torn off by accident. Great trimmed beard and long white hair that accompanied his tired face filled with wrinkles, he scraped floors and cleaned tiles while getting harrased by guards. Only John Sobota sympathises with him to whom he revealed by writing on the inside of the cape with a black marker his special ability to manipulate reality with particular word sequences. They used this ability to create the escape vehicles " AQTBCODX " which caused two hearse cars to appear. This awed the men but the bullets that were still shot at them forced the company to get a move on. The cars got stuffed by two groups. In the first group were Sobota, the console gentleman and their closest followers. The second group consisted of the labour force and few developers. The cars had to be started by arbitrary means because there was no key hole in them. Sobota's group bypassed the system first by doing the good old cable crossing. With this done he rolled down his window and yelled at his comrades beside him to " Follow us and you also musn't stop ". Fuel was to just enough to get them through the border and few kilometers outside so the only problem was direction. Sobota turned to his reality breaking buddy who looked at him with serious expression and said one word " Hungary " and pointed his hand in front of him. Sobota shifted gears, slammed his foot on the gas and anounced " Olright, let's get you transported. "

Crash in Slovakia[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]

  • Our dudes traveled a long way without stopping once under the guidance of the psycher who got a nickname G-man and they're leader John Sobota. There was 32 escapist but 3 of them died from lethal injuries and 2 of infection, and 6 of them were severely wounded. Bodies were kept in coffins that were in the trunk. Somehow, the car interiors were bigger than it seemed from outside. Also several escapist claimed there were hot tubs and consoles with halo 3 discs in them. Further on it's revealed that only form of navigation used was G-man's hand, which would sometimes sway away from course, due to G-man entering a trans like state in which he'd rehash a chain of words that made Sobota question if he's alright and who he realy was but it wasn't essential to solving the issue at hand. Chinese were after them, and most of the developers were broken in both body and spirit and have acquired dementia and telephobia. Sobota asked about this G-man who replied with great effort ASNAEB in return. While not fully comprehending what has happened, Sobota understood it has delt with the Chinese pursuing them. Following next was the dementia what scourged his comrades but G-man would not collaborate on this matter further and was completly silent. However despite their destination being Hungary they had an accident and were forced to seek out a mechanic for repairs. They've crashed in a village somewhere near the east side of Slovakia. When John set out to search for a mechanic, G-man wrote down for him an address on a piece of cloth. He took the cloth and set out. The address is still unknown to this day.
  • While he's searching for the house a midget with great beard stoped him and asked, if he got lost. John knew only czech but still, he concieved the meaning behind the midget's words. Upon explaining that his comrades are lost and need a mechanic to fix the car, the midget glew with excitement. He told him that the mechanic moved  onto an another address. The midget asked for his name. John told him that his name is in fact John and therefore asked for the midget's name. He called him self " Torden Ford " and asked him if he could help with anything. Then he followed John to the broken car . When they got there and Thorden set them on the road that will lead them to the mechanic. All of the escapes pushed with all their might and strenght the machine filled with the dead friends and halo 3 copies. After traveling 10 meters Torden yelled " Halt, you've arrived at your destination, fools ". At an instant, the man stopped pushing and gazed frustratingly at Thorden while he was laughing from the depths of his heart. One escapee by the name of Boleg Orolov grabbed Thorden by his shirt and started questioning him by his fists. The dwarf got took some punches before he yelled out that he is the mechanic. John after hearing this, decided to leap in, saving Torden and restraining Orolov. Torden then proceeded in explaining that he's been a smith / mechanic in the village for 12 years.

The regiment starts[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]

When everything settled down a bit John asked Torden for rations of food and medical attention for his comrades. After hearing John out Torden agreed under two conditions. Firstly they must tell him who they are and what they need and the second was to join his micronation the Mudskipper Regiment. When asked this, John while highly sceptical told him that they were escapees from a NetEase gulag who were traveling to Hungary. When asked why Hungary, John hasn't replied for he didn't knew the answer to that question. As the negotiations were going on, G-man emerged from the car where he was sitting for 2 days and wondered into Torden, bumping into his shoulder. When Torden turned around and saw the caped numb, for the first time a expresion emerged on G-man's face and both said simultaneously " Brother? " After this uncanny encounter Torden with a grin on his face, looked back at John and his comrades and announced " Welcome to Muddskipper Regiment, boys! " and ran away, laughing for food and physician. John instantly asked G-man for explanation who told him " we must stay here for now " to which John replied in frenzy " Why? We are supposed to go into Hungary ". Then John asked him what to do with his comrades who want to see they're families and desire for their former life to return. Last thing G-man told him that day was " We needn't to travel for our goal came to us ". Of course this hasn't satisfied John who desired better elucidation but he knew G-man's boundaries and decided to leave it at that. After an hour, Torden returned with a great amounts of food and a doctor named 器官收割机 ( Qìguān shōugē jī ). Imediatly Ji tended to the man in atrocious condition with horrified look on his face. Torden then came to John and told him about his relation to G-man. They were separated from each other as little boys but conveyed in discussions by telephatical means. This fact hasn't surprised John after what he seen. But what catched him off guard was that they don't seemed as family. But Torden reasoned with, quote " You don't need height... when you got family ". After the hours long conversations everyone settled down for the night. With the glimpse of the first glimpse of sunlight, the next morning came and with it confusion. When John awaken he saw Torden in the next room making a call. However when he left his bed Torden was already going to the room when the men were sleeping. When John came into the sleeping quarters, he saw the midged leaning against the wall next to the window, counting, descending from 14. After he counted to 1, the ground shook and a large creature flew throught the window, that Torden stood next to. The thing landed in the middle of the room, breaking few planks that made the floor. Every men now awake looking with great confusion on the being, covered in dust and splinters. Smiling Torden greeted the mass of a creature with " General Rác ". Uttering this phrase made the mountain of muscle stand up. It was a man packing meat for sure, facing Torden, towering over him like jupiter. The man, now uncovered as Rác replied with " Hello there." One man by the name by the name of Oleg Sokolov a former programer on chuchel, convicted rapist and murderer who was relased into custody in 2016, remarked that the reference was in wrong order therefore the comedic value was critically reduced. He was met with cold stare from Torden and a rapid sequence of punches landing on his forehead from Rác. Gentleman, meet Rác. He's mine field marshal or stance if you will. But more important matters are at hand now. Many of you were abducted from your homes with families, from work atc. You want to return to the lives that were so violently estranged from you. That is all heart warming but a enormous problem has risen. You see when you came into our vilage a declaration of war announced. You were running from NetEase, right? I was informed that you have escaped them succesfully, although at a great loss of lives. Anyways there is a big fock-off army, hanging out around the vilage that will let everything into it but won't let anyone or anything out of here. The army belongs to Games Workshop, destroying any content with their trademark on it. John suddenly cuts his speech short, asking " What does this has to do with us? ". Torden continued " Prior to your coming into this village, 2 years before i was searching for platinum near our forrest and as i was digging my shovel got stuck on something. I curiously dug it up and found out,  that it was a powerarmor of some sorts. I brought it home with my enhanced truck and examined it for several days, testing it in the process. It had many exquisite attributes like defensive shell that could endure pressure up to several tons, withstanding exceeding amount of radiation and also had technology that seemed like servo muscles that could lift 70 times it's weight. Well after that a thing or two happened, the word about the armor got out and some incel broke into my workshop, taking 9 pictures, posting them on twitter. If it wasn't for him the army wouldn't be here but also i wouln't what the armor was. When checking the incel's twitter, some people wrote it was a terminator armor from Warhammer 40k. And behold, that magnificent technology realy was from this game. So i decided to team up with fellow scientist to work on a secret project because the whole mechanics and the way to manufacture this kind of technology was ahead of us roughly 120 years. But again the word got out because one of the employees send us data through facebook. Rác interrupts " Kids remember, if you're a dumbass who doesn't know that anyone can be watching you on the internet and stealing your data, you should visit any sort of mental clinic or just get the brain that has been stuck in your ass out and beck into your head. Amen ". Torden continued. He was watched by a vile, greedy corporation who's named Games Workshop. You see, while we've worked on the armor, Games Workshop passed a zero tolerance policy in respect of infringement of their intellectual property rights. At first, this hasn't concerned us due to being intolerant to fan animations and 3d printed models. While their hackers were scanning the social media about the information for easy prey, they found the one employee who send us the information on the project and than they found the 4chan thread. After that they send after us, half of a legion whose soldiers were the best cock sucking neckbeards whose goal was to serve their masters. We tried to reason with them but unavailingly. Games Workshop doesn't care for advancments of humankind nor for it's fans. It only desires money, caprice, havoc and grimmdarkness. Nothing more, nothing less. Torden gazed upon the panic-struck men with sympathetic look in his eyes. He concluded, " But worry not, for i'm prepared. Before G.W. got here, me and mine comrades discovered a way to manufacture, fully operative terminator armor. Then they all fled away, fearing for their lives and famylies. So i got to work and i have 83 sets at my disposal. This makes us verry much prepared for the upcoming fight. I have seen many dudes but none of them had balls like you. All you need is training, preparation and you'll rip some cunts to pieces. So what do ya say? " Every men standing still or lying on the ground now gazed upon John with bated breath. John looked around him, seeing his brothers, filled with fear. He thought and said with a wariors spirit to his comrades" I wan't to return to my life too, you know. To be free from this abomitable existance that has befallen our lives. I dream of the joy you will experience once the damnation depart's and the fog of misery will be blown away be the coming wind of deliverence. The chance to deliver that vital blow, comes now. You needn't to fight and i'll understand if you won't. But those who join me will liberate not only them selves but others too who will be forever thankfull to you, the ones that stood up. Are you with me? " Everyone in the room looked at John including G-man, Torden and Rác. Suddenly the men he calls his brothers started chuckling which evolved into cheering, laughing and talking over each other. Showing that the majority agreed. ( only person still frowning was Boleg ). John smiled. He turns to Torden who is laughing too. " Come on, you still need to train, said Torden. Rác start's laughing and speaks, " Join me outside ( laughs more), I show you how to rip some dick off. "  This started off a week long training session in which Rác would teach the use of Terminator armor. Using his iconic " true gamer " martial art created from brawler type video game Brawlhalla, which consisted of long string of attacks with vast variety of weapons, ranging from hammers to akimbo pistols. Rác is shown to have inhuman strenght equaling to that of full grown Brazilian jet. When asked by one of the soldiers why he replied " Nanomachines son. ". Then he proceeded to give a speach about his ideology and got ripped even more. The informations on the activities of individuals besides this group are [DATA EXPUNGED]. On the day of 9.2.2019, G.W. made the first move, cutting the training short on the fifth day. Data to what exactly occurred at the assault was [REDACTED]. Next, followed a battle on the fields. G.W. arsenal consisted of pickup trucks armed with machine guns, anti-aircraft guns, rotary cannons, anti-tank weapons, ATGM, mortar, multiple rocket launcher, recoilless rifle or other support weapons. Supporting them were 6 xv8 crisis battlesuits, 2 TX7 Hammerhead Gunship and cybernetically enhanced animals such as goats, mantises and wasps with mounted explosives. Following is the rough summary of the battle that occured on 9.2.2019, 10:27. G.W. advanced with it's frontline into the village. But they were met with ambush of 15 terminator soldiers equiped with bolt pistol and thunder hammer, who rose up from the railway between the field and the village. While G.W. concentrated all forces on the marines due to copyright infringement, Torden attacked from the sides with two groups, each consisting of 30 terminators armed with bolters, chain swords, power scyths and catachan knives. Leading then were John and Rác. G.W. were surrounded except for small opening behind them, facing away from village. G.W. was forced to retreat for lacking any funds to keep up. Victory was acomplished because of the bravery and heroism that John inspired in his men but also for Rác. Equipped with waist and head leather armor, doom lance, guardian spear which he got from a Custodes in a naked wrestling brawl. He was seen defying gravity, flying above the battle field, spinning his spear like a hellicopter and then diving head on into the enemy forces. In the battle 3 marines died and 5 were injured. Following days, were mostly joyfull due to the victory and a message that surfed accros the whole globe. Games Workshop were banished into Ultramar, meaning the ultimate defeat. The circumstances in which they perished were at the time unknown. John understood that something wasn't right. But there was no time for wondering. After the victory G-man came to him and told him " We must Travel to Hungary ". John asked him " Why? Haven't we acomplished enough? We needn't to do more! ". G-man had still the same tired look on his face. He looked John into eyes, with gaze that scorched his very soul and said, " I need one more favor from all of you. After this last mission, the reward i'll bestow upon you will satisfy all of the troubles you went through. You'll gain something immeasurable in value. ". John stepped back, showing no sign of fear, even though his heart was melting from it. He asked " But why to come to me? You could told this to everyone at once. ". G-man immediatly responded " They won't listen me but they'll follow you anywhere. Please John... show me you'r kindness once more. ". After a while John sighed with a smile on his face. " Alright, but i hope it's worth as much as you ascribe it to be. " Then they parted ways. John went and told his comrades that they are going to Hungary to get rich as fuck, so pack up some bitches and hoes. Next day on the 12.2.2019 they thanked Torden who was feeding cocaine to one of the cyber goats from the battle, for his generosity he shown towards the boys. He stopped and looked at the men standing infront of him with grinn. " Before you leave i have two things on my mind. " He suddenly yelled " RÁC! " in capslock. Rác then blasted through the wall like Kool-Aid Man. Menacing but strong music followed him. He said " MY MASTER HAS SUMMONED MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ". Torden the told Rác " Go stand beside the marines. " as he brought out his Xiaomi Redmi A9 from his pocket. " I gotta remember you fools somehow, don't I?... ready. ( phone camera clicks ). " John then asked " What was the other thing you wanted? ". Torden brought out keys to some vehicle. " You'll need some transport and also i'm giving you the terminator armor, ya know. In case you need it. Just take it and go. ". John came to him and presented him with a handshake " Thank you, very much Torden. ". Ofcourse Torden accepted the handshake and said to him " Farewell John. " Then they parted ways and headed out to Hungary in trailer Truck filled with terminator armor, cold blooded soldiers, friends and hoes. They traveled for half a day, traversing fields of barley, forests with beautiful vegetation, villages of old and industrial cities, finally arriving at borders between Slovakia and Hungary. They stopped on the patrol station for casual checkup. A man came infront of the truck to ask the driver for what purpous they've came. Driving the truck was John with G-man sitting besides him. He started to roll down the window but G-man stopped him , toutching his shoulder.  Then G-man got out the cabin, comfronting the patrol man. He came to him and twisted the man's neck without any physical contact, snaping it, dismembering his spine in the process. John watching this from the cabin couldn't believe what he just saw. G-man hurried back, entering the cabin. John immediately said " What have you done? ". G-man told him with machine like cold voice " It had to be done. ". " What had to be done? Why did you just killed that man?  " John said, petrified to the bone. " There is no other way. We must proceed further. ". John refused and a bullet shot right out of the back, flew between the two, exiting right through the windshield which bursted into tinny little glass pieces. " Dying now, won't do world justice. Here are the coordinates that we will reach in 3 hours. Now please, drive. " Stated G-man while handing a gps to John. " What did you do with my men? " Asked John. " I'm telling you one more time. Drive, please. " said G-man tyred as ever, while looking infront of him. And with that our dude John Sobota drove towards his inevitable future.

The last mission[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]

12.2.2019 at 21:21 they arrived somewhere near south hungary. Upon arrival in a mildly wooded area a great structure could be seen in the middle. moonlight. John and G-man stepped out of the cabin, landing on arable land covered with twigs. As they were leaving the interier, John saw a glimpse of a handgun grip under the drivers seat. G-man faced away for a second so John went for his only chance of arming himself against what is about to come. However after seizing the grip, he realised that it was a loaded pistol crosbow with one bolt. Having no options left as G-man started to turn, John unloaded the crossbow and hid it under his coat. Then they both went to unload the trailer. After opening the trailer doors, only 14 men were concious already wearing the terminator armor while the other individuals were knocked out. One stepped foreward and spoke " Everithing prepared? " John recognised that voice all too clear. " Boleg... what are you doing? " He said angered by the fact that the only person he hated was standing tall before him. " Well it turns out that good'ol G-man roight here, needed some help from fella like me ". " Why are you speaking in Welsh dialect? ". Boleg aims his bolter at him but G-man tells him " Calm down ". Boleg says " Oi, sorry boss ". John then gazes on the bodies of his friends lying still on the ground. " What did you do your comrades? " Boleg says mockingly " Tap'em out ". G-man then tells John " We need to go ". John then yells " What are you doing! " at the other men wearing terminator armor behind Boleg. " G-man then says " They were cybernatically enhanced. Flesh and machine connected to each other. Their mind was altered so that i have full control over their actions and movement. It should have been executed in the Gulag, but only now my mission data returned so the upgrade could be performed with specific tools that Torden had. After that i acquired aid from Boleg who helped me to enhance them. However everything is redundant tonight besides my objective which is to ascend to godhood by gaining the access code from the shrine besides us. " After hearing this John couldn't even start to comprehend how someone whom he seen as one of his closest friends could turn to such vile thing. Boleg then yelled " Son of a cunt! " and aimed his bolter at G-man but before he pressed the trigger every armor in the trailer wen't offline making the men inside of them immobile. Shaken by everything that was thrown at John, still one question remained " What you hope to gain by this? ". " The instrumentality of humanity ". G-man turned to confused John and began explain him. " My name is Fu Xing, and i heve been to carry out the Chinese Instrumentality Project. I was artificially created from the womb of a machine, harvest amongst the many failed projects. However i was among the succesfull ones that survived longer than 2 days. After my creation i was sent to NetEase facility where i was trained in the art of using the console a powerfull art of warping the reality around us and speedrunning Chinese mobile ripoff games. But i was exceedingly more tallented than all of my siblings so i was chosen as the agent of God which ment, carrying out the age old vision of utopian reality. In order to warp the whole world two conditions must've been met. Firstly the human minds were to be weakened. My creators decided and started mass  producing mobile game titles of beloved game franchises which of every one was outrageously sacrilegious. So much so that even the goveurment was protesting against it. Goveurment was executed shortly after. And for the second one, we needed forgotten word sequences which would separate human chi from body, freeing us from the ethernal suffering of the body and the torment of mind. ". John seemed calm on the outside but inside his mind was sprouting puzzlement. " You said that all of you'r siblings were killed. Then what about Torden? Who is he? ". G-man looked at him with tyred look, that just got worse from the moment they met. " He is truly my brother but before the discarding began, he was stollen by 4 suited men with clown masks using akimbo shotguns and screaming for medicaments. ". After that John could put more thing together but one thing didn't make sence. " You already know the word sequences. Why would you make us go here? " John asked hoping to clear his mind from havoc. " I'm to infiltrate this building because within lies the code that will enable myself to ascend and initialize the final part of the project. However i lost most my memory so that is why in order to retrieve it i was to find Torden who acted as a psychic beacon. Upon reaching this beacon i can retrieve my memory and continue. However my use is limited to 4 sequences after which my soul is ripped from this universe and is sent to hell. For the greater good i was born and for all lasting happiness of you i shall die, most glorious way to perish. In service of humanity my spirit will be sent underworld for setting all sinners free. I shall now proceed to the shrine. Goodbye... John. " G-man finished and set his mind on the events to come, walking away from our dude. But while G-man blindly explained, John realised what has to be done. Our dude has been fooling the psycher these past minute. G-man thought that John was a naive child what can't do anything to stop him, listening to anything he could exploit as weakness and he found the critical hitzone. He pulled up his coat bringing out the pistol crossbow, takes aim and fires. For the greater good i was born and for all lasting happiness of you i shall die, most glorious way to perish. In service of humanity my spirit will be sent underworld for setting all sinners free. I shall now proceed to the shrine. Goodbye... John. " G-man finished and set his mind on the events to come, walking away from our dude. But while G-man blindly explained, John realised what has to be done. Our dude has been fooling the psycher these past minute. G-man thought that John was a naive child what can't do anything to stop him, listening to anything he could exploit as weakness and he found the critical hitzone. He pulled up his coat bringing out the pistol crossbow, takes aim and fires an arrow, penetrating G-man's head landing from back and tearing skin and skull as the tip passes through the head. G-man turns to John smiling and is about to say something but utters not a word steering G-man into panic as he falls on the land. John walking towards dying G-man explains " I get your point... but... i was never a big fan of evangelion. As to the arrow you mentioned that you had 4 word sequences to spare. I've seen you use 2 when we were running from the Gulag, which meant that you have 2 more to use. However you anticipated that something could go wrong as to many criteria i John Sobota will someday list all on some random wikipedia page so you activated some sort of enhanced regeneration or excelerated speed. So i knew you could use one more, therefore i shot you into Broca's area. I'm sorry it had be this way but taking the easy way in life, it's not wort it. ". John came and kneeled down to dying Fu Xing,. As was unable to pronounce the next sequence his face was getting calmer, his eyes closing restfully and his brow loosing it's tightness, he finally had a relaxed look on his face. When life left his body John placed his palms and brought him to the forrest, putting his corpse on a carped made of moss with trees blocking the moonlight making it a place for god's rest.  

The Return of Dudes[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]

When our dude returned to the Truck and checked on the dudes lying in the trailer he saw most of the people who were knocked unconscious back at their senses, one of who was Boleg. " Oi this cunt gonna pay for this, bitch just leaving me here rot " Boleg swore. " He's dead. " John said with sorrow in his voice. " Don't you think that you went too far? You betrayed us and choose money over your Brothers. ". Boleg took down his helmet and looked pissed " What'ya talking bout, shithead. You wan't a bullet  in ya guts so much, then here i got one. " Boleg said as he brought his gun on the eye level with John and was about to shoot but two men grabbed him and tossed him out of the trailer, throwing him near John's boots. When he stood up, he unsheated a bowie knife from behind his back while still in the armor. Standing in pizdoš stance ready to attack, he suddenly swung the knife at John's throat who diagonally swerved away from the blades path. Every man inside the trailer aimed their shots at Boleg, ready to fire but John toldem to stop. " I've waited a long time for this moment ". Suddenly he put his hand on his clothing and with one swing away from his chest he took all of his upper clothing away, revealing body so masculine even Billy Herrington would go wild. Standing at the same hight as Boleg this fight will be fair fought like true warrior would. Boleg makes his move and immediately misses. Now it's John's turn who releases his signature move the " Flurry of fists that will motivate you to politely die " and lands a critical hit making his opponent paralyzed for twenty minutes as his friends are cheering in the back. Epic based victory royale. After this he faces his brothers asking them how they feel and who's hurt. Then they discuss the current situation and what are the options. In conclusion they settle on going back to Mudskipper Regiment. John rests in the back with the boys as one of the men chooses to drive. They leave Hungary without Boleg after notifying authorities that renoun murderer is found lying on some field. Of coure they tempered with his memory a bit. When meeting Torden, John explained him what has occured, the nature of him and his brother and the ultimate goal of the Gulags to which he said " I knew. " John asked in sceptical disbelief " How? Who told you? ". Torden grinning as ever " My brother. Who else would knew? ". John getting the equivalent of his brain slapped on nuts, asked " So you knew all along and din't say anything... not even mention. Why? ". While still grinning a small spark of doupt flashed in Torden eyes, " Idk, i wanted to see what will happen. " The last data of information surrounding our dudes is their arrival in the Mudskipper Regiment and following the events of exposing Chinas big goofs the men depart for their former lives or new opportunities awaiting on them in the far world. Boleg was arrested and sent to max security prison. John stayed with Torden in the Regiment where he made a family with his wife Vria who gave birth to two sons Edgar and Spike. He build a house as far as possible from Torden's workshop.

The Lord of Fools[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]

Admin of the Warhammer 40k lore deceased of 2021 by suffocation caused by 4 trillion of rabbits found in his respiratory system.

Súbor:The lordy loorrddddddddddddddddd.png
Photo of Lord captured a brief moment before his death