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Diskusia k šablóne:Infobox Londýnske stanice

Obsah stránky není podporován v jiných jazycích.
z Wikipédie, slobodnej encyklopédie


{{London stations |               
name = Barking |                  
image = [[Image:barkinglongview.jpg|300px|Barking station]] | 
manager = [[c2c]] |               
zone = [[Travelcard Zone 4|4]] |  
locale = [[Barking]] |            
borough = [[London Borough of Barking and Dagenham|London Borough of<br>Barking and Dagenham]] |             
platforms=9 |                     
owner=[[Network Rail]] |             *optional* possible values Network Rail, London Underground (usually not the train   operators)
start=1854 |                         *optional, cannot be used with years and events*
years=1854<br>1902<br>1905<br>1908 | *optional, cannot be used with start*
events=Opened by LT&SR<br>District Line started<br>District withdrawn<br>District Line restarted |  *optional, cannot be used  with start*
railexits0405= 4.687 |                *optional, cannot be used with exits* (Stats from National Rail)
tubeexits= 9.963 |                    *optional, cannot be used with exits* (Stats from TfL)
railcode=BKG                          *optional* for stations assigned a National Rail code 

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