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z Wikipédie, slobodnej encyklopédie

Greetings. Please, can you tell me why you edited article about Huculi? I added two references, that Huculi belong to Rusíni. You only reverted my edits. 15:37, 11. máj 2010 (UTC)

Greetings! You should be more neutral with the article. We cannot write that "Huculi" are Ukrainians because some of them identify as Rusyny or just as Hutsuly. At the same time, we cannot write that Huculi are Rusyny, because a lot of them, especially in Ukraine, identify as Ukrainians. To say and to write that Hutsuly are an Eastern Slavic people is more neutral, because that includes Hutsuly that identify as Ukrainians, Rusyns or just Hutsuly. The same about lemkos and other Carpathian ethnic groups. I write here some references about how Hutsuls and other Carpathian ethnic groups identify in Ukraine:

On the other hand, I´m Argentinian, and my self am descendant of Ukrainian immigrants. My relatives were from several regions, among them Boikivshchyna, Transcarpathia ad Hutsulshchyna. They came here in 1897, and already in that time identified as Ukrainians. Indeed, first Ukrainian immigrants were Hutsuls, Boikos, and Transcarpathian (Dolyneny) that identified as Ukrainians. If you don´t understand Ukrainian, I can help you to translate pages.

Greetings!-- 16:01, 11. máj 2010 (UTC)[odpovedať]