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Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia)

Constantine the Philosopher University (UKF) is a public university founded in 1992 as the University of Education in Nitra which became a successor of Pedagogic Institute established in 1959 and Faculty of Education (1964). University of Education in Nitra has been renamed to UKF in 1996.

Over the course of time, UKF has secured its position in the Slovak higher education system while transforming itself into a university, an advanced educational and research institution meeting the criteria imposed on European university institutions.The university has defined itself as a comprehensive university with faculties providing education not only in traditional teacher training programmes but also in many other scientific and professional study programmes at all levels of study. UKF has an outstanding position in the region providing study programmes in education, arts, social, human and natural sciences and health care. The university has almost a 50-year long tradition in teacher-training in the Hungarian language of instruction as well as a 13-year tradition of educating social workers and missionaries for the Roma ethnicity. UKF is the only Slovak university that prepares professionals to operate in Roma communities in Nitra and other regions.

The ambition of UKF is to make the study courses more flexible and challenging for its students and to respond to the vital needs of the society, while providing the applicants with different ways and forms of undergraduate, postgraduate and life-long study. By student population – more than 14,000 full-time and part-time students, UKF belongs to the larger Slovak universities.

The University degree system is based on the new Higher Education Law adopted by the Slovak Parliament in 2002. It consists of Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree and Doctoral Degree (PhD.) study programmes. UKF has been accredited to confer degrees of associate professors and professors. Research activities of UKF meet national and international standards in selected areas of research. Both national and international projects developed at UKF as well as published works of UKF teachers and researchers are recorded in the university information systems. The data serve as a review about the results of scientific and research activities of the individuals, departments, and faculties. The Rector´s prize is awarded for the publishing activity every year.

UKF puts much emphasis on international co-operation in all fields of study and research. Within this area, the emphasis is focused on the following activities: research and co-operation, research mobilities, projects and conferences, student and teacher mobility, practical training. These activities are carried out through international projects, such as TEMPUS, LLP (ERASMUS, GRUNTVIG, LINGUA), CEEPUS, Leonardo da Vinci, COST and through the co-operation with such international institutions as the British Council, the Goethe Institute, the French Institute, the Fulbright Commission, DAAD, and others. Constantine the Philosopher University (UKF) is a public university founded in 1992 as the University of Education in Nitra which became a successor of Pedagogic Institute established in 1959 and Faculty of Education (1964). University of Education in Nitra has been renamed to UKF in 1996.

Over the course of time, UKF has secured its position in the Slovak higher education system while transforming itself into a university, an advanced educational and research institution meeting the criteria imposed on European university institutions.The university has defined itself as a comprehensive university with faculties providing education not only in traditional teacher training programmes but also in many other scientific and professional study programmes at all levels of study. UKF has an outstanding position in the region providing study programmes in education, arts, social, human and natural sciences and health care. The university has almost a 50-year long tradition in teacher-training in the Hungarian language of instruction as well as a 13-year tradition of educating social workers and missionaries for the Roma ethnicity. UKF is the only Slovak university that prepares professionals to operate in Roma communities in Nitra and other regions.

The ambition of UKF is to make the study courses more flexible and challenging for its students and to respond to the vital needs of the society, while providing the applicants with different ways and forms of undergraduate, postgraduate and life-long study. By student population – more than 14,000 full-time and part-time students, UKF belongs to the larger Slovak universities.

The University degree system is based on the new Higher Education Law adopted by the Slovak Parliament in 2002. It consists of Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree and Doctoral Degree (PhD.) study programmes. UKF has been accredited to confer degrees of associate professors and professors. Research activities of UKF meet national and international standards in selected areas of research. Both national and international projects developed at UKF as well as published works of UKF teachers and researchers are recorded in the university information systems. The data serve as a review about the results of scientific and research activities of the individuals, departments, and faculties. The Rector´s prize is awarded for the publishing activity every year.

UKF puts much emphasis on international co-operation in all fields of study and research. Within this area, the emphasis is focused on the following activities: research and co-operation, research mobilities, projects and conferences, student and teacher mobility, practical training. These activities are carried out through international projects, such as TEMPUS, LLP (ERASMUS, GRUNTVIG, LINGUA), CEEPUS, Leonardo da Vinci, COST and through the co-operation with such international institutions as the British Council, the Goethe Institute, the French Institute, the Fulbright Commission, DAAD, and others.

Evaluation of the University

The evaluation process of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra by the Institutional Evaluation Programme of European University Association (EUA) has finished. The evaluation process was requested by UKF. UKF wrote the Self-Evaluation Report and organized two visits of EUA experts team. The visits were held on April 17 – 20, 2007 and on October 1 – 3, 2007. Members of EUA experts team actively participated in the meetings with rector, deans of the faculties, management of the university and faculties, members of UKF workgroup for EUA institutional evaluation, members of Academic Senate, Scientific Board, Board of Trustees, students as well as with the external partners of UKF. The final Evaluation Report of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra was delivered to UKF on December 3, 2007.

University Contacts Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Tr. A. Hlinku 1 SK - 949 74 Nitra Slovakia tel: +421 37 6408 111 fax: +421 37 6408 020 e-mail: web:

University Structure

In accordance with the statute, the authorities of the academical self-administration of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra are: Academic Senate, Rector, Scientific Board and Disciplinary Board of UKF. Part of the university is the Board of Trustees of UKF, which invokes and promotes public interests connected with the activities of the university. The university is divided into the faculties and other organisational parts. The university consists of five faculties: Faculty of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Health Care, Faculty of Central European Studies, Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Education. Other parts of the university are university workplaces and Special Training Facilities: Centre of Information and Communication Technologies, Student Dormitory Nitra, Student Dormitory Zobor and University Library. Rectorate of the university is divided into divisions managed by the Rector, the Bursar and Vice-Rectors.

University Management

UKF management follows from the articles of Act on Higher Education, internal UKF and faculty regulations, ordinances and Rector´s decrees. UKF is a publicly funded and self-governed institution with its own legal status. UKF´s self-government is rooted in the Academic Community, which consists of academic staff, i.e. teachers, research workers and other UKF staff with university or high school education employed contractually for a specific weekly work time, and UKF students. Academic Senate, Rector, Scientific Board and Disciplinary Board are all bodies of academic self – government.

Academic Senate

The UKF Academic Senate is the biggest managing, coordinating and controlling body within the UKF self-government. It has 43 members, whereby each faculty is represented by five members of staff and three students, and university-wide bodies are represented by three members of staff.

Scientific Board

The UKF Scientific Board is a self – government body guaranteeing scientific, educational and artistic standards. It has 32 members.

Board of Trustees

The UKF Board of Trustees is a body representing public interests in the UKF activities – namely in the utilization of property and funds given to UKF by the state. It has 14 members who are appointed and removed by Minister of Education.


The Rector is the UKF statutory body. He manages it and acts on its behalf. He is accountable to Academic Senate and, if applicable, to Minister of Education. In the extent applicable, the Rector is represented by five Vice-Rectors. Their competences are defined in UKF Organizational Guidelines. The Rectorate is responsible for the administrative, economic and operational management of the university. It prepares background documents for the decisions of bodies of academic self-government, for the Bursar and Vice-Rectors, and it also provides for their implementation.


Faculties are understood as UKF organizational units. A Dean is a faculty representative. He/She manages it and acts on its behalf. A Faculty Dean is accountable to the Faculty Academic Senate and to the Rector in issues defined in Article 23, Paragraph 1 Act on Higher Education and Article 39, Paragraph 2 UKF Charter. Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra consists of five faculties: Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Central European Studies, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Faculty of Social Sciences and Health Care.

Centre of Information and Communication Technologies

The Centre of Information and Communication Technologies (CICT) is a separate intra-university information workplace, which ensures the administration and management, functioning and development of computer networks inside the university, the faultless supervision of information systems at UKF, the ordinary service of PC: inventory at the rector´s office of UKF, etc. CICT is managed by the director. Each department inside of CICT is managed by the head of its department. Each department head beneath the director, while director answers to the rector of UKF. All agreements are approved by the rector of UKF on the basis of suggestion from the CICT director. The centre´s mission, organization structure and the relations of CICT are established in the CICT UKF Statute.

Student's Dormitories

Student Dormitories of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra provide the accommodation and the board for students, foreign lecturers and university guests as well as the board for the university employees.

University Library

The University library has its fixed place in the structure of UKF. Library holdings include e.g. research reports, scientific journals, monographs, textbooks, diploma theses and dissertations, conference materials and proceedings, encyclopaedias, dictionaries, audio and video records, electronic documents. Study

Higher education at UKF is based on the implementation of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) what ensures compatibility with outstanding education institutions, thus enabling students to study at universities within the whole European Union. UKF offers all three levels of higher education study – Bachelor´s, Master´s and Doctoral. On each level, the students can choose subjects according to their interests within the offer of the departments, faculties, or even other universities. Thus, each student can actively participate in creating his study programme, making its optimal arrangement and setting the individual pace of his study. • More about ECTS system at UKF Nitra

Accredited Study Programmes

All accredited study programmes at UKF in Nitra are in accordance with regulations enforced by the system of in higher education in the Slovak Republic. The accredited study programmes form a basis for creating the course offerings for the respective academic years

Study Programmes Taught in Foreign Languages Only

The list of accredited study programmes taught at the university in foreign languages only.


The scientific and research activity of UKF in Nitra is one of its main priorities and centers on effectively fusing scientific research with educational process, supporting the professional growth of employees and providing the material and technical support to its departments. Scientific research-oriented activities of UKF cover a wide range of natural, educational, philosophical and social-health care sciences in the field of the basic and applied research, as well as in the fields of innovation, methodology, didactics, forms and content of study programmes.


All projects developed at UKF in Nitra are recorded in the university information system allowing the concentration of information about projects, coordinators, and the financial means determined for the project.


All published works of UKF are recorded in the information system created and implemented in 2005. The aims of this system are to automate the process of receiving the information related to publishing and to allow the direct entering of bibliographical data by authors. Such obtained data about published works serve as a review about the final results of scientific-research activity of the individual employees, departments and faculties.

Degree Study

At Constantine the Philosopher University, we feel the necessity to support an international diverse student community. Our highest priority is permanent improving of conditions for your study resulting in sophisticated teaching methods based on the ICT, expanding the study offer available in foreign languages as well as in increasing level of managing your study at our university. Supporting staff offering counselling service referring all matters of your stay, interested and motivated teachers, welcoming environment of domestic students - all of us are ready to help you to integrate to our system of education and enjoy your study here as much as possible. Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra is public university offering Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Study in wide range of study progammes.


All activities and developments in the field of international cooperation on the university level are managed by the Department for International Study Programmes and Relations, which is divided into the Section of International Cooperation and the European Office. The former section works on the managing of business trips abroad for UKF employees, exchange scholarships and mobilities at partner universities, while the European Office concentrates on the coordination and realization of international projects in the field of science and education.

European Credit Transfer System

The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) was developed by the Commision of the European Union in order to provide common procedures to guarantee academic recognition of studies abroad. It provides a way of measuring and comparing learning achievements, and transferring them from one institution to another. It is a student-centred system based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives of a programme, objectives preferably specified in terms of learning outcomes and competences to be acquired.

Bilateral Cooperation

All activities in the field of international cooperation are being developed on the basis of bilateral agreements, as well as on the participation in mobility programmes and projects particularly between universities within the European Union. The Department for International Study Programmes and Relations prepares, administrates and completes and saves the agreements of cooperation with partner universities, enabling them to develop a common scientific and research activity, mutual exchange of students, scientific and research workers, common organization of scientific events, presentation of common results and the exchange of publications. Apart from the agreements of cooperation, the Department keeps files of LLP/Erasmus bilateral agreements, which offer the possibility for students and teachers to participate in mobility at partner universities elsewhere within the European Union.


In 2002 UKF was admitted to a member of the European University Association (EUA) whose aim is to create a European dimension in the field of higher education and research. Since 2002, UKF has also been a member of Danube Rector´s Conference, whose activity is concerned with enhancing higher education quality level at partner universities by supporting the development of bi- and multilateral contacts. The membership of UKF in other international ogranizations and networks – CIRCEOS, COPERNICUS and Magna Charta Universitatum - brings the possibility to get acquainted with opinions, views and recommendations of partner universities and to obtain valuable knowledge of new trends in higher education. --Etrajtel (diskusia) 08:04, 8. august 2014 (UTC) Mobilities

Application procedure and management of stay. Instructions for Erasmus incoming students and teachers.

University Contacts: Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Tr. A. Hlinku 1 SK - 949 74 Nitra Slovakia tel: +421 37 6408 111 fax: +421 37 6408 020 e-mail: web: