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Allan Böhm: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

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Riadok 1: Riadok 1:
{{Infobox Vedec
| Meno = Allan Böhm
| Rodné meno =
| Portrét = Allan bohm.jpg
| Profesia = slovenský kardiológ a vedec
| Polia pôsobnosti = kardiológia, trombózy, arytmie, akútna kardiológia, genomika, digitálna medicína, umelá inteligencia, precízna medicína
| Známy vďaka =
| Významné práce =
| Vedecké pôsobenie = Premedix Academy, Bratislava, Slovensko
| Počet citácií =
| Alma mater = [[Karlova univerzita]] v [[Praha|Prahe]]
| Akademický titul = MUDr., MSc., PhD., MBA, FESC, FJCS
| Vedecká hodnosť =
| Významní profesori =
| Významní študenti =
| Vplyvy =
| Ovplyvnil =
| AutorBot =
| AutorZoo =
| Ocenenia =
| Dátum narodenia = {{dnv|1988|6|13}}
| Miesto narodenia = [[Bratislava]], [[Československá socialistická republika|ČSSR]]
| Dátum úmrtia = <!-- {{duv|Y2|M2|D2|Y1|M1|D1}} -->
| Miesto úmrtia =
| Národnosť =
| Štátna príslušnosť =
| Miesto pobytu = Slovensko
| Rodičia =
| Príbuzní =
| Súrodenci =
| Manžel =
| Manželka =
| Partner =
| Partnerka =
| Deti =
| Podpis = <!-- len názov súboru -->
| Webstránka = <!-- {{url|adresa|názov}} -->
| E-mail =
| Údaje =
| Poznámky =
| Portál1 = Medicína
| Portál2 =
| Portál3 =

[[Doktor všeobecného lekárstva|MUDr.]] '''Allan Böhm''', [[Doktor (PhD.)|PhD.]], [[Master of Business Administration|MBA,]] FESC, FJCS (* [[13. jún]] [[1988]], [[Bratislava]]) je [[Slovensko|slovenský]] [[Kardiológia|kardiológ]] a [[vedec]]. Venuje sa najmä [[Trombóza|trombózam]], [[Arytmia|arytmiám]], akútnej [[Kardiológia|kardiológii]], genomike, digitálnej [[Medicína|medicíne]] a [[Umelá inteligencia|umelej inteligencii]].<ref name=":0">{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=Doctor Allan Bohm|url=|vydavateľ|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|jazyk=en}}</ref><ref name=":1">{{Citácia periodika | priezvisko = | meno = | autor = | odkaz na autora = | titul = Umelá inteligencia je spojenec medicíny | periodikum = .týždeň | odkaz na periodikum = .týždeň | url = | issn = 1336-653X | vydavateľ = W PRESS | miesto = Bratislava | dátum = 2022-01-31 | dátum prístupu = 2022-09-23}}</ref><ref name=":2">{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=Cardiovascular Analytics Group (CVAG) - Members|url=|vydavateľ=|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|jazyk=}}</ref>

{{Infobox scientist|alma_mater=[[Charles University in Prague]] ([[Doctor of Medicine|MUDr./MD equi.]])|birth_date={{birth date and age|1988|6|13|df=y}}|birth_place=[[Bratislava]], [[Czechoslovakia]]|nationality=Slovak|known_for=Slovak Cardiologist, Researcher and Entrepreneur|workplaces=Premedix Academy, Bratislava, Slovakia|name=Allan Böhm, MD, MSc, PhD, MBA, FESC, FJCS|fields=Cardiology, Thrombosis, Arrhythmias, Acute Cardiology, Genomics, Digital Medicine, Artificial Intelligence, Precision Medicine|image=[[File:Allan Bohm.jpg|thumb|Allan Bohm]]}}
Vyštudoval 3. lekársku fakultu [[Karlova univerzita|Karlovej univerzity]] v [[Praha|Prahe]]. [[Master of Business Administration|MBA]] mu bolo udelené na [[Business Institut]] v [[Praha|Prahe]]<ref name=":3">{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=Spíkri - Allan Böhm|url=|vydavateľ|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22}}</ref> a [[Doktor (PhD.)|PhD.]] na [[Slovenská zdravotnícka univerzita v Bratislave|Slovenskej zdravotníckej univerzite]] v [[Bratislava|Bratislave]]. V roku [[2023]] úspešne ukončil štúdium na [[University of Oxford|Oxfordskej univerzite]], kde získal [[Master of Science|MSc.]] titul v odbore Klinický výskum.<ref name=":10">{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu | titul = Spíkri - Allan Böhm | url = | vydavateľ = | dátum prístupu = 2024-01-22}}</ref>

'''Allan Böhm''', MD, MSc, [[Doctor of Philosophy|PhD]], [[Master of Business Administration|MBA,]] FESC, FJCS (* [[June 13|13 June]] [[1988]], [[Bratislava]]) is [[Slovakia|Slovak]] [[Cardiology|Cardiologist]] and [[Scientist|Researcher]]. His main areas of expertise include [[thrombosis]], [[Arrhythmia|arrhytmias]], acute [[cardiology]], genomics, digital [[medicine]] and [[artificial intelligence]].<ref name=":0">{{Cite web|title=Doctor Allan Bohm|url=||language=en}}</ref><ref name=":1">{{Cite journal|title=Umelá inteligencia je spojenec medicíny|url=|issn=1336-653X|publisher=W PRESS|date=2022-01-31|journal=.týždeň}}</ref><ref name=":2">{{Cite web|title=Cardiovascular Analytics Group (CVAG) - Members|url=|publisher=|language=}}</ref>
V rokoch [[2015]] - [[2023]] pôsobil ako [[Kardiológia|kardiológ]] na Oddelení akútnej kardiológie [[Národný ústav srdcových a cievnych chorôb|Národného ústavu srdcových a cievnych chorôb]] v [[Bratislava|Bratislave.]]<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":2" /><ref name=":3" /><ref name=":10" />

He graduated from the 3rd Faculty of Medicine, [[Charles University]] in [[Prague]]. He was awarded an [[Master of Business Administration|MBA]] at the [[Business Institut]] in [[Prague]]<ref name=":3">{{Cite web|title=Spíkri - Allan Böhm|url=|}}</ref> and a [[Doctor of Philosophy|PhD]] at the [[Slovak Medical University|Slovak Medical Universi]][[Charles University|t]]<nowiki/>y in [[Bratislava]]. In [[2023|2023,]] he successfully completed his studies at the [[University of Oxford|Universi]][[Slovak Medical University|t]]<nowiki/>yof Oxford, where he received an [[Magister degree|MSc]] degree in Clinial Trials.<ref name=":10">{{Cite web|title=Spíkri - Allan Böhm|url=|}}</ref>
V roku [[2015]] založil Premedix Academy, neziskovú výskumnú organizáciu, ktorá vedie medzinárodné vzdelávacie<ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=IRIS|url=|vydavateľ=|dátum prístupu=2022-09-23}}</ref><ref name=":8">{{Citácia periodika|titul=The 29th International Research Interdisciplinary School 2021, Slovakia. IRIS Slovakia 2021 on-line Bratislava, September 13-17, 2021|url=|periodikum=Heart, Vessels and Transplantation|dátum=2022-02-14|dátum prístupu=2022-09-23|ročník=6|číslo=Issue 1|strany=43|issn=1694-7886|doi=10.24969/hvt.2022.300|meno=Ljuba|priezvisko=Bacharova|meno2=Eric|priezvisko2=Eisenstein|meno3=Jonathan|priezvisko3=Lipton}}</ref><ref name=":7">{{Citácia periodika|titul=IRIS courses for cardiology|url=|periodikum=European Heart Journal|dátum=2020-01-07|dátum prístupu=2022-09-23|ročník=41|číslo=2|strany=207–207|issn=0195-668X|doi=10.1093/eurheartj/ehz936|jazyk=en|meno=Ljuba|priezvisko=Bacharova|meno2=Dominika|priezvisko2=Komarova|meno3=Allan|priezvisko3=Böhm}}</ref>a výskumné projekty v biomedicíne.<ref name=":2" /><ref name=":3" /><ref name=":4">{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=Alfa a omega v zdravotníctve je zatočiť s korupciou. Od novej vlády si v tomto veľa sľubujem, hovorí kardiológ Allan Böhm|url=|vydavateľ|dátum vydania=2020-07-02|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|jazyk=sk}}</ref><ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=Premedix Academy Projects|url=|dátum prístupu=2022-09-23}}</ref><ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=Srdce pod kontrolou: Štartuje unikátny projekt pre hypertonikov|url=|vydavateľ|dátum vydania=2021-10-01|dátum prístupu=2022-09-24|jazyk=sk-SK}}</ref><ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=Telemedicína a využitie inteligentných zariadení {{!}} TOUCHIT|url=|vydavateľ|dátum vydania=2021-10-02|dátum prístupu=2022-09-24|jazyk=sk-SK}}</ref>

In the years [[2015]] - [[2023|2023,]] he worked as a [[Cardiology|Cardiologis]][[Slovak Medical University|t]] at the Intensive Cardiac Care Unit at the National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases in [[Bratislava|Bratislava.]]<ref name=":0">{{Cite web|title=Doctor Allan Bohm|url=||language=en}}</ref><ref name=":2">{{Cite web|title=Cardiovascular Analytics Group (CVAG) - Members|url=|publisher=|language=}}</ref><ref name=":3">{{Cite web|title=Spíkri - Allan Böhm|url=|}}</ref><ref name=":10">{{Cite web|title=Spíkri - Allan Böhm|url=|}}</ref>
V roku [[2018]] sa aktívne podieľal na založení Európskej komisie pre digitálnu medicínu<ref name=":2" /><ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=Editorial Board|url=|vydavateľ=Oxford Academic|dátum prístupu=2022-09-23|jazyk=en}}</ref>, kde sa stretol so zárodkami tzv. precíznej medicíny vo svete.<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":1" /><ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=Precízna medicína vám ušije liečbu na mieru|url=|vydavateľ|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|jazyk=sk}}</ref>

In [[2015]], he founded Premedix Academy, a non-profit research organization that leads international educational<ref>{{Cite web|title=IRIS|url=|publisher=}}</ref><ref name=":8">{{Cite journal|title=The 29th International Research Interdisciplinary School 2021, Slovakia. IRIS Slovakia 2021 on-line Bratislava, September 13-17, 2021|url=|doi=10.24969/hvt.2022.300|journal=Heart, Vessels and Transplantation}}</ref><ref name=":7">{{Cite journal|title=IRIS courses for cardiology|url=|date=2020-01-07|volume=41|issue=2|pages=207–207|issn=0195-668X|doi=10.1093/eurheartj/ehz936|language=en|journal=European Heart Journal}}</ref>and research projects in biomedicine.<ref name=":2">{{Cite web|title=Cardiovascular Analytics Group (CVAG) - Members|url=|publisher=|language=}}</ref><ref name=":3">{{Cite web|title=Spíkri - Allan Böhm|url=|}}</ref><ref name=":4">{{Cite web|title=Alfa a omega v zdravotníctve je zatočiť s korupciou. Od novej vlády si v tomto veľa sľubujem, hovorí kardiológ Allan Böhm|url=||date=2020-07-02|language=sk}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|title=Premedix Academy Projects|url=}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|title=Srdce pod kontrolou: Štartuje unikátny projekt pre hypertonikov|url=||date=2021-10-01|language=sk-SK}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|title=Telemedicína a využitie inteligentných zariadení {{!}} TOUCHIT|url=||date=2021-10-02|language=sk-SK}}</ref>
V roku [[2020]] bol zvolený do predsedníctva Európskej kardiologickej spoločnosti<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":2" /><ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=Committee for Young Cardiovascular Professionals|url=|vydavateľ|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22}}</ref><ref>{{Citácia periodika|titul=The ESC Board 2020–2022|url=|periodikum=Cardiovascular Medicine|dátum=2020-08-29|dátum prístupu=2022-09-23|číslo=4|doi=10.4414/cvm.2020.02121|jazyk=en|meno=Lüscher Thomas|priezvisko=F}}</ref> ako prvý [[Slovensko|Slovák]]<ref name=":4" /> a zároveň sa stal historicky najmladším (31-ročným) členom tejto kardiologickej spoločnosti.

In [[2018|2018,]] he actively participated in the establishment of the European Committee for Digital Health<ref name=":2">{{Cite web|title=Cardiovascular Analytics Group (CVAG) - Members|url=|publisher=|language=}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|title=Editorial Board|url=|publisher=Oxford Academic|language=en}}</ref>, where he discovered the origins of Precision Medicine.<ref name=":0">{{Cite web|title=Doctor Allan Bohm|url=||language=en}}</ref><ref name=":1">{{Cite journal|title=Umelá inteligencia je spojenec medicíny|url=|issn=1336-653X|publisher=W PRESS|date=2022-01-31|journal=.týždeň}}<cite class="citation journal cs1" data-ve-ignore="true">[ "Umelá inteligencia je spojenec medicíny"]. ''.týždeň''. W PRESS. 2022-01-31. [[ISSN (identifier)|ISSN]]&nbsp;[[issn:1336-653X|1336-653X]].</cite><span title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Ajournal&rft.genre=article&rft.jtitle=.t%C3%BD%C5%BEde%C5%88&rft.atitle=Umel%C3%A1+inteligencia+je+spojenec+medic%C3%ADny&" class="Z3988" data-ve-ignore="true"></span></ref><ref>{{Cite web|title=Precízna medicína vám ušije liečbu na mieru|url=||language=sk}}</ref>
V roku [[2021]] založil jednu z prvých kliník precíznej medicíny v [[Európa|Európe]] <ref name=":4" /> – Premedix Clinic v [[Bratislava|Bratislave]], kde pôsobí ako kardiológ.

In [[2020|2020,]] he became a board member of the European Society of Cardiology<ref name=":0">{{Cite web|title=Doctor Allan Bohm|url=||language=en}}</ref><ref name=":2">{{Cite web|title=Cardiovascular Analytics Group (CVAG) - Members|url=|publisher=|language=}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|title=Committee for Young Cardiovascular Professionals|url=|}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|title=The ESC Board 2020–2022|url=|date=2020-08-29|issue=4|doi=10.4414/cvm.2020.02121|language=en|journal=Cardiovascular Medicine}}</ref> becoming the first [[Slovakia|Slovak]]<ref name=":4">{{Cite web|title=Alfa a omega v zdravotníctve je zatočiť s korupciou. Od novej vlády si v tomto veľa sľubujem, hovorí kardiológ Allan Böhm|url=||date=2020-07-02|language=sk}}</ref> to hold this position. Additionally, he became youngest-ever elected member of the society at the age of 31.
Aktuálne tiež vyučuje na III. internej klinike [[Lekárska fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave|Lekárskej fakulty]] [[Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave|Univerzity Komenského.]]<ref name=":2" /><ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=Zamestnanci a doktorandi|url=|vydavateľ|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|jazyk=sk-SK}}</ref>

In [[2021|2021,]] he established one of the pioneering Precision Medicine clinics in [[Europe]] <ref name=":4">{{Cite web|title=Alfa a omega v zdravotníctve je zatočiť s korupciou. Od novej vlády si v tomto veľa sľubujem, hovorí kardiológ Allan Böhm|url=||date=2020-07-02|language=sk}}</ref> – Premedix Clinic in [[Bratislava]], where he also works as a Cardiologist.
V roku [[2022]] založil [[Startup|start-up]] Seerlinq zameraný na analýzu fotopletyzmografickej krivky pomocou strojového učenia, ktorého cieľom je personalizácia liečby a diagnostiky kardiovaskulárnych ochorení.<ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=Spíkri - Allan Böhm|url=|vydavateľ|dátum prístupu=2023-06-14}}</ref><ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=.jednoducho veda: Ako nás krv drží pri živote aj zabíja|url=|vydavateľ=.týždeň - iný pohľad na spoločnosť|dátum vydania=2023-06-15|dátum prístupu=2023-06-16|jazyk=sk|meno=Juraj|priezvisko=Petrovič}}</ref>

Currently, he also teaches at the III. Department of Intermal Medicine of the [[Faculty of Medicine]] at[[Comenius University|Comenius University.]]<ref name=":2">{{Cite web|title=Cardiovascular Analytics Group (CVAG) - Members|url=|publisher=|language=}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|title=Zamestnanci a doktorandi|url=||language=sk-SK}}</ref>
== Vzdelanie ==
* 2013 – [[Karlova univerzita]] v [[Praha|Prahe]], 3. lekárska fakulta, [[Doktor všeobecného lekárstva|MUDr.,]] Všeobecné lekárstvo
* 2015 – [[Business Institut]] v [[Praha|Prahe]], [[Master of Business Administration|MBA]] z Manažmentu a riadenia v zdravotníctve
* 2020 – [[Slovenská zdravotnícka univerzita v Bratislave|Slovenská zdravotnícka univerzita]] v [[Bratislava|Bratislave]], [[Doktor (PhD.)|PhD.]] z Vnútorných chorôb
* 2020 – špecializácia v odbore [[kardiológia]]
* 2023{{--}} [[Magister (akademická hodnosť)|MSc.]] v Klinickom výskume na [[University of Oxford|Oxfordskej univerzite]] <ref name=":10" /><ref name=":5">{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu | titul = Allan Böhm | url = | vydavateľ = Green Templeton College | dátum prístupu = 2022-09-22 | jazyk = en-GB | meno = Green Templeton | priezvisko = College}}</ref>

In [[2022]], he founded a medtech [[Startup company|start-up]] Seerlinq focused on the analysis of photoplethysmographic curve utilizing machine learning, which aims to personalize the treatment and diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases.<ref>{{Cite web|title=Spíkri - Allan Böhm|url=|}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|title=.jednoducho veda: Ako nás krv drží pri živote aj zabíja|url=|publisher=.týždeň - iný pohľad na spoločnosť|date=2023-06-15|language=sk}}</ref>
== Ocenenia a nominácie ==
* 2015 – Víťaz posterovej prezentácie na „Eurothrombosis congress“ v [[Taliansko|Taliansku]] za kazuistiku „Trombus zaklinený vo foramen ovale“<ref name=":6" />
* 2015 – Prvé miesto na Svetovom elektrokardiologickom kongrese v [[Brazília|Brazílii]] za najlepšiu vedeckú prácu „Biomarkery oxidačného stresu ako prediktory atriálnej fibrilácie po RFA“<ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=ISE|url=|vydavateľ|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22}}</ref>
* 2016 – Prvé miesto na európskom kongrese „Cardio Update“ v [[Budapešť|Budapešti]] za najlepšiu vedeckú prácu<ref name=":6" />
* 2017 – Ocenený za najlepšiu prednášku v sekcii „zložitých klinických prípadov“ na medzinárodnom kongrese antitrombotickej liečby v [[Nice]], [[Francúzsko]]<ref name=":6">{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=DIGITAL HEALTH INDUSTRY FORUM, Pre-meeting information|url=|dátum prístupu=22.9.2022|strany=3-4}}</ref>
* 2020 – „Fellowship“ Európskej kardiologickej spoločnosti za excelentné úspechy vo vede
* 2022 – zaradenie do Encyklopédie osobností Českej a Slovenskej republiky edície Britishpedia (10. vydanie)
* 2022 – Publikácia „Association Between Apelin and Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With High Risk of Ischemic Stroke“<ref name=":9" /> zaradená medzi 13 najlepších článkov, ktoré boli vybrané do kolekcie Highlights in Cardiac Rhythmology: 2021 žurnálu Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine<ref>{{Citácia knihy|titul=Highlights in Cardiac Rhythmology: 2021|url=|vydavateľ=Frontiers Media SA|rok=2022|isbn=978-2-88974-831-0|doi=10.3389/978-2-88974-831-0|edícia=Frontiers Research Topics|poznámka=DOI: 10.3389/978-2-88974-831-0}}</ref><ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=Highlights in Cardiac Rhythmology: 2021 {{!}} Frontiers Research Topic|url=|vydavateľ|dátum prístupu=2022-09-26|jazyk=en}}</ref>
* 2022 – „Fellow of the Japanese Circulation Society“<ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=JCS 2022|url=|dátum vydania=2022-03-11|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|meno=|priezvisko=}}</ref>
* 2022 – The Silver Medal of the European Society of Cardiology – strieborná medaila za mimoriadny prínos k poslaniu Európskej kardiologickej spoločnosti
* 2022 – finalista kategórie Výnimočná osobnosť vedy do 35 rokov, [[ESET Science Award]]<ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=Ocenenie výnimočných vedcov ESET Science Award|url=|vydavateľ|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|jazyk=sk|meno=ESET Science|priezvisko=Award}}</ref>
* 2023 – The American Heart Association - Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award za vynikajúce medzinárodné vedecké výsledky<ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu | titul = Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award | url = | vydavateľ = | dátum prístupu = 2024-01-31 | jazyk = en}}</ref>

== Education ==
== Najvýznamnejšie publikácie ==
* Böhm, A., Lauko, V., Dostalova, K. et al. In-vitro antiplatelet effect of melatonin in healthy individuals and patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Endocrinol Invest, 2023<ref>{{Citácia periodika|titul=In-vitro antiplatelet effect of melatonin in healthy individuals and patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus|url=|periodikum=Journal of Endocrinological Investigation|dátum=2023-05-06|dátum prístupu=2023-06-14|issn=1720-8386|doi=10.1007/s40618-023-02102-7|jazyk=en|meno=A.|priezvisko=Böhm|meno2=V.|priezvisko2=Lauko|meno3=K.|priezvisko3=Dostalova}}</ref>
* Jajcay N, Bezak B, Segev A, Matetzky S, Jankova J, Spartalis M, El Tahlawi M, Guerra F, Friebel J, Thevathasan T, Berta I, Pölzl L, Nägele F, Pogran E, Cader FA, Jarakovic M, Gollmann-Tepeköylü C, Kollarova M, Petrikova K, Tica O, Krychtiuk KA, Tavazzi G, Skurk C, Huber K and Böhm A. Data processing pipeline for cardiogenic shock prediction using machine learning. Front. Cardiovasc. Med., 2023<ref>{{Citácia periodika|titul=Data processing pipeline for cardiogenic shock prediction using machine learning|url=|periodikum=Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine|dátum=2023-03-23|dátum prístupu=2023-06-14|ročník=10|issn=2297-055X|doi=10.3389/fcvm.2023.1132680|meno=Nikola|priezvisko=Jajcay|meno2=Branislav|priezvisko2=Bezak|meno3=Amitai|priezvisko3=Segev}}</ref>
* Peterkova, A., Michalconok, G., Bohm, A. (2018). Overview and Comparison of Machine Learning Methods to Build Classification Model for Prediction of Categorical Outcome Based on Medical Data, 2017<ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=Overview and Comparison of Machine Learning Methods to Build Classification Model for Prediction of Categorical Outcome Based on Medical Data|url=|vydavateľ=Springer International Publishing|dátum vydania=2018|strany=216–224|dátum prístupu=2022-09-23|doi=10.1007/978-3-319-67618-0_20|jazyk=en|meno=Andrea|priezvisko=Peterkova|meno2=German|priezvisko2=Michalconok|meno3=Allan|priezvisko3=Bohm}}</ref>
* A Peterkova, M Nemeth, A Bohm.Computing missing values using neural networks in medical field. 2018<ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=Computing Missing Values Using Neural Networks in Medical Field|url=|vydavateľ=IEEE|dátum vydania=2018-06|strany=000151–000156|dátum prístupu=2022-09-23|doi=10.1109/INES.2018.8523857|meno=A.|priezvisko=Peterkova|meno2=M.|priezvisko2=Nemeth|meno3=A.|priezvisko3=Bohm}}</ref>
* Böhm A, Hricak V, Tomasovic B, Bena M, Michalek P, Postulka J. Transcatheter Mitral Valve Prosthesis Dysfunction – Early Valve Degeneration or Thrombosis?, 2018<ref>{{Citácia periodika|titul=Transcatheter Mitral Valve Prosthesis Dysfunction ― Early Valve Degeneration or Thrombosis? ―|url=|periodikum=Circulation Journal|dátum=2018|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|ročník=82|číslo=8|strany=2210–2211|doi=10.1253/circj.CJ-17-0740|meno=Allan|priezvisko=Böhm|meno2=Vasil|priezvisko2=Hricak|meno3=Branislav|priezvisko3=Tomasovic}}</ref>
* Böhm A, Tothova L, Urban L, Slezak P, Musil P, Gazova A, Kyselovic J, Hatala R. Advanced Glycation End-Products Paradox in Patients Undergoing Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation, 2018<ref>{{Citácia periodika|titul=Advanced glycation end products predict long-term outcome of catheter ablation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation|url=|periodikum=Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology|dátum=2022-06-01|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|ročník=64|číslo=1|strany=17–25|issn=1572-8595|doi=10.1007/s10840-021-00972-6|jazyk=en|meno=Allan|priezvisko=Bohm|meno2=Lubos|priezvisko2=Urban|meno3=Lubomira|priezvisko3=Tothova}}</ref>
* Nemethova, A., Nemeth, M., Michalconok, G., Bohm, A. (2019). Identification of KDD Problems from Medical Data, 2019<ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|titul=Identification of KDD Problems from Medical Data|url=|vydavateľ=Springer International Publishing|dátum vydania=2019|strany=191–199|dátum prístupu=2022-09-23|doi=10.1007/978-3-030-19810-7_19|jazyk=en|meno=Andrea|priezvisko=Nemethova|meno2=Martin|priezvisko2=Nemeth|meno3=German|priezvisko3=Michalconok}}</ref>
* Frederix I, Caiani EG, Dendale P, Anker S, Bax J, Böhm A, Cowie M, Crawford J, de Groot N, Dilaveris P, Hansen T, Koehler F, Krstačić G, Lambrinou E, Lancellotti P, Meier P, Neubeck L, Parati G, Piotrowicz E, Tubaro M, van der Velde E. ESC e-Cardiology Working Group Position Paper: Overcoming challenges in digital health implementation in cardiovascular medicine, 2019<ref>{{Citácia periodika|titul=ESC e-Cardiology Working Group Position Paper: Overcoming challenges in digital health implementation in cardiovascular medicine|url=|periodikum=European Journal of Preventive Cardiology|dátum=2019-07|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|ročník=26|číslo=11|strany=1166–1177|issn=2047-4873|doi=10.1177/2047487319832394|jazyk=en|meno=Ines|priezvisko=Frederix|meno2=Enrico G|priezvisko2=Caiani|meno3=Paul|priezvisko3=Dendale}}</ref>
* Bacharova L, Komarova D, Böhm A. IRIS courses for cardiology, 2020<ref name=":7" />
* Vachalcova M, Valočik G, Kurečko M, Grapsa J, Taha VA, Michalek P, Jankajová M, Sabol F, Kubikova L, Orban M, Uher T, Böhm A. The three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in distinguishing between ischaemic and non-ischaemic aetiology of heart failure, 2020<ref>{{Citácia periodika|titul=The three‐dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in distinguishing between ischaemic and non‐ischaemic aetiology of heart failure|url=|periodikum=ESC Heart Failure|dátum=2020-10|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|ročník=7|číslo=5|strany=2297–2304|issn=2055-5822|doi=10.1002/ehf2.12766|jazyk=en|meno=Marianna|priezvisko=Vachalcova|meno2=Gabriel|priezvisko2=Valočik|meno3=Marián|priezvisko3=Kurečko}}</ref>
* Michalek P, Hatahet SB, Svetlosak M, Margitfalvi P, Waczulikova I, Trnovec S, Böhm A, Benacka O, Hatala R. No Association Between T-peak to T-end Interval on the Resting ECG and Long-Term Incidence of Ventricular Arrhythmias Triggering ICD Interventions, 2020<ref>{{Citácia periodika|titul=No Association Between T-peak to T-end Interval on the Resting ECG and Long-Term Incidence of Ventricular Arrhythmias Triggering ICD Interventions|url=|periodikum=Frontiers in Physiology|dátum=2020|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|ročník=11|issn=1664-042X|doi=10.3389/fphys.2020.01115|meno=Peter|priezvisko=Michalek|meno2=Sasha Benjamin|priezvisko2=Hatahet|meno3=Martin|priezvisko3=Svetlosak}}</ref>
* Ladeiras-Lopes, R., Baciu, L., Grapsa, J., Sohaib, A., Vidal-Perez, R., Bohm, A., Silvola, H., Gimenez, M.R., Muscoli, S., Wallner, M. and Rakisheva, A., Social media in cardiovascular medicine: a contemporary review, 2020<ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|url=|vydavateľ|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|doi=10.1093/ehjdh/ztaa004}}</ref>
* Böhm A, Vachalcova M, Snopek P, Bacharova L, Komarova D, Hatala R. Molecular Mechanisms, Diagnostic Aspects and Therapeutic Opportunities of Micro Ribonucleic Acids in Atrial Fibrillation, 2020<ref>{{Citácia periodika|titul=Molecular Mechanisms, Diagnostic Aspects and Therapeutic Opportunities of Micro Ribonucleic Acids in Atrial Fibrillation|url=|periodikum=International Journal of Molecular Sciences|dátum=2020-01|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|ročník=21|číslo=8|strany=2742|issn=1422-0067|doi=10.3390/ijms21082742|jazyk=en|meno=Allan|priezvisko=Böhm|meno2=Marianna|priezvisko2=Vachalcova|meno3=Peter|priezvisko3=Snopek}}</ref>
* L Bacharova, D Komarova,T Hromadka, V Bacovsky, P Skrak, B Benkoova, A Bohm.Taking advantage of the IRIS experience: utilizing the potential of trainees and faculty. 2021<ref>{{Citácia periodika|titul=Taking advantage of the IRIS experience: utilizing the potential of trainees and faculty|url=|periodikum=Heart, Vessels and Transplantation|dátum=2021-04-26|dátum prístupu=2022-09-23|ročník=5|číslo=Issue 2|strany=90|issn=1694-7886|doi=10.24969/hvt.2021.250|meno=Ljuba|priezvisko=Bacharova|meno2=Dominika|priezvisko2=Komarova|meno3=Tomas|priezvisko3=Hromadka}}</ref>
* L Bacharova, E Eisenstein, J Lipton, G Kudaiberdieva, K Piotrowicz, P Skrak, T Hromadka, A Bohm. The 29th International Research Interdisciplinary School 2021, Slovakia. IRIS Slovakia 2021 on-line Bratislava, 2021<ref name=":8" />
* Czerwińska-Jelonkiewicz K, Montero S, Bañeras J, Wood A, Zeid A, De Rosa S, Guerra F, Tica O, Serrano F, Bohm A, Ahrens I, Gierlotka M, Masip J, Bonnefoy E, Lettino M, Kirchhof P, Sionis A; Young National Ambassadors (YNA) of Acute Cardiovascular Care Association (ACVC), European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Current status and needs for changes in critical care training: the voice of the young cardiologists, 2021<ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|url=|vydavateľ|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|doi=10.1093/ehjacc/zuaa027}}</ref>
* Pazdernik M, Holicka M, Pelouch R, Precek J, Widimsky J, Pudich J, Vancata R, Siranec M, Bohm A, Blechova K, Butta T, Mikulcova M, Mikulica M, Wohlfahrt P. Characteristics, management, and outcome of infective endocarditis in the Czech Republic: prospective data from the ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry, 2021<ref>{{Citácia periodika|titul=Characteristics, management, and outcome of infective endocarditis in the Czech Republic: prospective data from the ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry|url=|periodikum=Bratislava Medical Journal|dátum=2021|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|ročník=122|číslo=02|strany=95–100|issn=1336-0345|doi=10.4149/bll_2021_014|jazyk=en-gb|meno=M.|priezvisko=Pazdernik|meno2=M.|priezvisko2=Holicka|meno3=R.|priezvisko3=Pelouch}}</ref>
* Bohm A, Urban L, Tothova L, Bacharova L, Musil P, Kyselovic J, Michalek P, Uher T, Bezak B, Olejnik P, Hatala R. Advanced glycation end products predict long-term outcome of catheter ablation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, 2021<ref>{{Citácia periodika|titul=Advanced glycation end products predict long-term outcome of catheter ablation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation|url=|periodikum=Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology|dátum=2022-06-01|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|ročník=64|číslo=1|strany=17–25|issn=1572-8595|doi=10.1007/s10840-021-00972-6|jazyk=en|meno=Allan|priezvisko=Bohm|meno2=Lubos|priezvisko2=Urban|meno3=Lubomira|priezvisko3=Tothova}}</ref>
* Bohm A, Urban L, Tothova L, Bezak B, Uher T, Musil P, Kyselovic J, Lipton J, Olejnik P, Hatala R. Concentration of apelin inversely correlates with atrial fibrillation burden, 2021<ref>{{Citácia periodika|titul=Concentration of apelin inversely correlates with atrial fibrillation burden|url=|periodikum=Bratislava Medical Journal|dátum=2021|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|ročník=122|číslo=03|strany=165–171|issn=1336-0345|doi=10.4149/bll_2021_026|jazyk=en-gb|meno=A.|priezvisko=Bohm|meno2=L.|priezvisko2=Urban|meno3=L.|priezvisko3=Tothova}}</ref>
* Pazdernik M, Gramegna M, Bohm A, Trepa M, Vandenbriele C, De Rosa S, Uzokov J, Aleksic M, Jarakovic M, El Tahlawi M, Mostafa M, Stratinaki M, Araiza-Garaygordobil D, Gubareva E, Duplyakova P, Chacon-Diaz M, Refaat H, Guerra F, Cappelletti AM, Berka V, Westermann D, Schrage B. Regional differences in presentation characteristics, use of treatments and outcome of patients with cardiogenic shock: Results from multicenter, international registry, 2021<ref>{{Citácia periodika|titul=Regional differences in presentation characteristics, use of treatments and outcome of patients with cardiogenic shock: Results from multicenter, international registry|url=|periodikum=Biomedical Papers|dátum=2021-09-20|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|ročník=165|číslo=3|strany=291–297|doi=10.5507/bp.2021.046|jazyk=en|meno=Michal|priezvisko=Pazdernik|meno2=Mario|priezvisko2=Gramegna|meno3=Allan|priezvisko3=Bohm}}</ref>
* Bohm A, Snopek P, Tothova L, Bezak B, Jajcay N, Vachalcova M, Uher T, Kurecko M, Kissova V, Danova K, Olejnik P, Michalek P, Hlavata T, Petrikova K, Mojto V, Kyselovic J, Farsky S. Association Between Apelin and Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With High Risk of Ischemic Stroke, 2021<ref name=":9">{{Citácia periodika|titul=Association Between Apelin and Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With High Risk of Ischemic Stroke|url=|periodikum=Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine|dátum=2021|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|ročník=8|issn=2297-055X|doi=10.3389/fcvm.2021.742601|meno=Allan|priezvisko=Bohm|meno2=Peter|priezvisko2=Snopek|meno3=Lubomira|priezvisko3=Tothova}}</ref>
* S Castelletti, J Kosiuk, R Ladeiras Lopes, A Sohaib, A Bohm, the ESC Board Committee for young cardiovascular professionals, The experience of cardiovascular professional training across europe: preliminary results from the ESC young cardiovascular professionals survey, 2021<ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu|url=|vydavateľ|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|doi=10.1093/eurheartj/ehab724.3145}}</ref>
* Czerwińska-Jelonkiewicz K, Wood A, Bohm A, Kwasiborski P, Oleksiak A, Ryczek R, Grand J, Tavazzi G, Sionis A, Stępińska J. Association between dose of catecholamines and markers of organ injury early after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, 2021<ref>{{Citácia periodika|titul=Association between dose of catecholamines and markers of organ injury early after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest|url=|periodikum=Cardiology Journal|dátum=2021-12-28|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|ročník=0|číslo=0|issn=1898-018X|doi=10.5603/CJ.a2021.0173|jazyk=en|meno=Katarzyna|priezvisko=Czerwińska-Jelonkiewicz|meno2=Alice|priezvisko2=Wood|meno3=Allan|priezvisko3=Bohm}}</ref>
* Bohm A, Jajcay N. Technical and practical aspects of artificial intelligence in cardiology, 2022<ref>{{Citácia periodika|titul=Technical and practical aspects of artificial intelligence in cardiology|url=|periodikum=Bratislava Medical Journal|dátum=2021|dátum prístupu=2022-09-22|ročník=123|číslo=01|strany=16–21|issn=1336-0345|doi=10.4149/bll_2022_003|jazyk=en-gb|meno=A.|priezvisko=Bohm|meno2=N.|priezvisko2=Jajcay}}</ref>
* Bohm A, Jajcay N, Jankova J, Petrikova K, Bezak B. Artificial intelligence model for prediction of cardiogenic shock in patients with acute coronary syndrome, 2022<ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu | url = | vydavateľ = | dátum prístupu = 2022-09-22 | doi = 10.1093/ehjacc/zuac041.077 | titul = Artificial intelligence model for prediction of cardiogenic shock in patients with acute coronary syndrome}}</ref>

* 2013 – [[Charles University|Charles Univers]][[Slovak Medical University|ity]] in [[Prague]], Third Faculty of Medicine, [[Doctor of Medicine|MUDr.]] (MD equi.), General Medicine
== Referencie ==
* 2015 – [[Business Institut]] in [[Prague]], [[Master of Business Administration|MBA]] in Administration in Public Health
* 2020 – [[Slovak Medical University]] in [[Bratislava]], [[Doctor of Philosophy|PhD]] in Internal Medicine
* 2020 – Specialization Diploma (Board Certification) in [[Cardiology]]
* 2023{{Spaced en dash}} [[Magister degree|MSc]] in Clinial Trials, [[University of Oxford|Universi]][[Slovak Medical University|t]]<nowiki/>y of Oxford <ref name=":10">{{Cite web|title=Spíkri - Allan Böhm|url=|}}</ref><ref name=":5">{{Cite web|title=Allan Böhm|url=|publisher=Green Templeton College|language=en-GB}}</ref>

== Iné projekty ==
== Awards and nominations ==

* 2015 – Awarded for outstanding scientific work, Eurothrombosis Congress, [[Como]], [[Italy|I]][[Budapest|t]]<nowiki/>aly<ref name=":6" />
== Externé odkazy ==
* 2015 – Awarded for the best research project in Young Investigator Competition, International Electrocardiology Congress, [[Brazil|Brasil]]<ref>{{Cite web|title=ISE|url=|}}</ref>
* [ Allan Böhm] na Twitteri
* 2016 – Awarded for Best Scientific Poster, Cardio Update Europe, [[Budapest]], [[Hungary]]<ref name=":6" />
* [ Alfa a omega v zdravotníctve je zatočiť s korupciou. Od novej vlády si v tomto veľa sľubujem, hovorí kardiológ Allan Böhm] – rozhovor na (2020)
* 2017 – Awarded for the Best Presentation in Difficult Clinical Cases Session, Antithrombotic Therapy Update, [[Nice]], [[France]]<ref name=":6">{{Cite web|title=DIGITAL HEALTH INDUSTRY FORUM, Pre-meeting information|url=|pages=3-4}}</ref>
* 2020 – Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology for scientific excellence
* 2022 – Added to the Britishpedia Encyclopaedia of Successful People in Czech Republic and Slovakia (10th edition)
* 2022 – Article "Association Between Apelin and Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With High Risk of Ischemic Stroke"<ref name=":9">{{Cite journal|title=Association Between Apelin and Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With High Risk of Ischemic Stroke|url=|date=2021|volume=8|issn=2297-055X|doi=10.3389/fcvm.2021.742601|journal=Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine}}</ref> included in Highlights in Cardiac Rhythmology: 2021, a selection of 13 high quality articles published in 2021 from the Cardiac Rhythmology section of Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine journal<ref>{{Cite book|title=Highlights in Cardiac Rhythmology: 2021|url=|publisher=Frontiers Media SA|date=2022|isbn=978-2-88974-831-0|doi=10.3389/978-2-88974-831-0|edition=Frontiers Research Topics}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|title=Highlights in Cardiac Rhythmology: 2021 {{!}} Frontiers Research Topic|url=||language=en}}</ref>
* 2022 – Fellow of the Japanese Circulation Society<ref>{{Cite web|title=JCS 2022|url=|date=2022-03-11}}</ref>
* 2022 – The Silver Medal of the European Society of Cardiology; recognizing extraordinary contribution to the mission of the European Society of Cardiology
* 2022 – Finalist in the Outstanding Scientist under 35 category, [[ESET Science Award]]<ref>{{Cite web|title=Ocenenie výnimočných vedcov ESET Science Award|url=||language=sk}}</ref>

== Selected publications ==
{{Autoritné údaje}}

* Böhm, A., Lauko, V., Dostalova, K. et al. In-vitro antiplatelet effect of melatonin in healthy individuals and patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Endocrinol Invest, 2023<ref>{{Cite journal|title=In-vitro antiplatelet effect of melatonin in healthy individuals and patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus|url=|date=2023-05-06|issn=1720-8386|doi=10.1007/s40618-023-02102-7|language=en|journal=Journal of Endocrinological Investigation}}</ref>
{{DEFAULTSORT:Böhm, Allan}}
* Jajcay N, Bezak B, Segev A, Matetzky S, Jankova J, Spartalis M, El Tahlawi M, Guerra F, Friebel J, Thevathasan T, Berta I, Pölzl L, Nägele F, Pogran E, Cader FA, Jarakovic M, Gollmann-Tepeköylü C, Kollarova M, Petrikova K, Tica O, Krychtiuk KA, Tavazzi G, Skurk C, Huber K and Böhm A. Data processing pipeline for cardiogenic shock prediction using machine learning. Front. Cardiovasc. Med., 2023<ref>{{Cite journal|title=Data processing pipeline for cardiogenic shock prediction using machine learning|url=|date=2023-03-23|volume=10|issn=2297-055X|doi=10.3389/fcvm.2023.1132680|journal=Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine}}</ref>
[[Kategória:Slovenskí kardiológovia]]
* Peterkova, A., Michalconok, G., Bohm, A. (2018). Overview and Comparison of Machine Learning Methods to Build Classification Model for Prediction of Categorical Outcome Based on Medical Data, 2017<ref>{{Cite web|title=Overview and Comparison of Machine Learning Methods to Build Classification Model for Prediction of Categorical Outcome Based on Medical Data|url=|publisher=Springer International Publishing|date=2018|pages=216–224|doi=10.1007/978-3-319-67618-0_20|language=en}}</ref>
[[Kategória:Vyučujúci na Lekárskej fakulte Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave]]
* A Peterkova, M Nemeth, A Bohm.Computing missing values using neural networks in medical field. 2018<ref>{{Cite web|title=Computing Missing Values Using Neural Networks in Medical Field|url=|publisher=IEEE|pages=000151–000156|doi=10.1109/INES.2018.8523857}}</ref>
[[Kategória:Absolventi Lekárskej fakulty Karlovej univerzity]]
* Böhm A, Hricak V, Tomasovic B, Bena M, Michalek P, Postulka J. Transcatheter Mitral Valve Prosthesis Dysfunction – Early Valve Degeneration or Thrombosis?, 2018<ref>{{Cite journal|title=Transcatheter Mitral Valve Prosthesis Dysfunction ― Early Valve Degeneration or Thrombosis? ―|url=|date=2018|volume=82|issue=8|pages=2210–2211|doi=10.1253/circj.CJ-17-0740|journal=Circulation Journal}}</ref>
[[Kategória:Osobnosti z Bratislavy]]
* Böhm A, Tothova L, Urban L, Slezak P, Musil P, Gazova A, Kyselovic J, Hatala R. Advanced Glycation End-Products Paradox in Patients Undergoing Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation, 2018<ref>{{Cite journal|title=Advanced glycation end products predict long-term outcome of catheter ablation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation|url=|date=2022-06-01|volume=64|issue=1|pages=17–25|issn=1572-8595|doi=10.1007/s10840-021-00972-6|language=en|journal=Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology}}</ref>
* Nemethova, A., Nemeth, M., Michalconok, G., Bohm, A. (2019). Identification of KDD Problems from Medical Data, 2019<ref>{{Cite web|title=Identification of KDD Problems from Medical Data|url=|publisher=Springer International Publishing|date=2019|pages=191–199|doi=10.1007/978-3-030-19810-7_19|language=en}}</ref>
* Frederix I, Caiani EG, Dendale P, Anker S, Bax J, Böhm A, Cowie M, Crawford J, de Groot N, Dilaveris P, Hansen T, Koehler F, Krstačić G, Lambrinou E, Lancellotti P, Meier P, Neubeck L, Parati G, Piotrowicz E, Tubaro M, van der Velde E. ESC e-Cardiology Working Group Position Paper: Overcoming challenges in digital health implementation in cardiovascular medicine, 2019<ref>{{Cite journal|title=ESC e-Cardiology Working Group Position Paper: Overcoming challenges in digital health implementation in cardiovascular medicine|url=|volume=26|issue=11|pages=1166–1177|issn=2047-4873|doi=10.1177/2047487319832394|language=en|journal=European Journal of Preventive Cardiology}}</ref>
* Bacharova L, Komarova D, Böhm A. IRIS courses for cardiology, 2020<ref name=":7">{{Cite journal|title=IRIS courses for cardiology|url=|date=2020-01-07|volume=41|issue=2|pages=207–207|issn=0195-668X|doi=10.1093/eurheartj/ehz936|language=en|journal=European Heart Journal}}<cite class="citation journal cs1" data-ve-ignore="true">[ "IRIS courses for cardiology"]. ''European Heart Journal''. '''41''' (2): 207–207. 2020-01-07. [[Doi (identifier)|doi]]:[[doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehz936|10.1093/eurheartj/ehz936]]. [[ISSN (identifier)|ISSN]]&nbsp;[[issn:0195-668X|0195-668X]].</cite><span title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Ajournal&rft.genre=article&rft.jtitle=European+Heart+Journal&rft.atitle=IRIS+courses+for+cardiology&rft.volume=41&rft.issue=2&rft.pages=207-207&" class="Z3988" data-ve-ignore="true"></span></ref>
* Vachalcova M, Valočik G, Kurečko M, Grapsa J, Taha VA, Michalek P, Jankajová M, Sabol F, Kubikova L, Orban M, Uher T, Böhm A. The three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in distinguishing between ischaemic and non-ischaemic aetiology of heart failure, 2020<ref>{{Cite journal|title=The three‐dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in distinguishing between ischaemic and non‐ischaemic aetiology of heart failure|url=|volume=7|issue=5|pages=2297–2304|issn=2055-5822|doi=10.1002/ehf2.12766|language=en|journal=ESC Heart Failure}}</ref>
* Michalek P, Hatahet SB, Svetlosak M, Margitfalvi P, Waczulikova I, Trnovec S, Böhm A, Benacka O, Hatala R. No Association Between T-peak to T-end Interval on the Resting ECG and Long-Term Incidence of Ventricular Arrhythmias Triggering ICD Interventions, 2020<ref>{{Cite journal|title=No Association Between T-peak to T-end Interval on the Resting ECG and Long-Term Incidence of Ventricular Arrhythmias Triggering ICD Interventions|url=|date=2020|volume=11|issn=1664-042X|doi=10.3389/fphys.2020.01115|journal=Frontiers in Physiology}}</ref>
* Ladeiras-Lopes, R., Baciu, L., Grapsa, J., Sohaib, A., Vidal-Perez, R., Bohm, A., Silvola, H., Gimenez, M.R., Muscoli, S., Wallner, M. and Rakisheva, A., Social media in cardiovascular medicine: a contemporary review, 2020<ref>{{Cite web|url=||doi=10.1093/ehjdh/ztaa004|title=Social media in cardiovascular medicine: a contemporary review}}</ref>
* Böhm A, Vachalcova M, Snopek P, Bacharova L, Komarova D, Hatala R. Molecular Mechanisms, Diagnostic Aspects and Therapeutic Opportunities of Micro Ribonucleic Acids in Atrial Fibrillation, 2020<ref>{{Cite journal|title=Molecular Mechanisms, Diagnostic Aspects and Therapeutic Opportunities of Micro Ribonucleic Acids in Atrial Fibrillation|url=|volume=21|issue=8|pages=2742|issn=1422-0067|doi=10.3390/ijms21082742|language=en|journal=International Journal of Molecular Sciences}}</ref>
* L Bacharova, D Komarova,T Hromadka, V Bacovsky, P Skrak, B Benkoova, A Bohm.Taking advantage of the IRIS experience: utilizing the potential of trainees and faculty. 2021<ref>{{Cite journal|title=Taking advantage of the IRIS experience: utilizing the potential of trainees and faculty|url=|doi=10.24969/hvt.2021.250|journal=Heart, Vessels and Transplantation|pages=}}</ref>
* L Bacharova, E Eisenstein, J Lipton, G Kudaiberdieva, K Piotrowicz, P Skrak, T Hromadka, A Bohm. The 29th International Research Interdisciplinary School 2021, Slovakia. IRIS Slovakia 2021 on-line Bratislava, 2021<ref name=":8">{{Cite journal|title=The 29th International Research Interdisciplinary School 2021, Slovakia. IRIS Slovakia 2021 on-line Bratislava, September 13-17, 2021|url=|doi=10.24969/hvt.2022.300|journal=Heart, Vessels and Transplantation}}<cite class="citation journal cs1" data-ve-ignore="true">[ "The 29th International Research Interdisciplinary School 2021, Slovakia. IRIS Slovakia 2021 on-line Bratislava, September 13-17, 2021"]. ''Heart, Vessels and Transplantation''. [[Doi (identifier)|doi]]:[[doi:10.24969/hvt.2022.300|10.24969/hvt.2022.300]].</cite><span title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Ajournal&rft.genre=article&rft.jtitle=Heart%2C+Vessels+and+Transplantation&rft.atitle=The+29th+International+Research+Interdisciplinary+School+2021%2C+Slovakia.+IRIS+Slovakia+2021+on-line+Bratislava%2C+September+13-17%2C+2021&rft_id=info%3Adoi%2F10.24969%2Fhvt.2022.300&" class="Z3988" data-ve-ignore="true"></span></ref>
* Czerwińska-Jelonkiewicz K, Montero S, Bañeras J, Wood A, Zeid A, De Rosa S, Guerra F, Tica O, Serrano F, Bohm A, Ahrens I, Gierlotka M, Masip J, Bonnefoy E, Lettino M, Kirchhof P, Sionis A; Young National Ambassadors (YNA) of Acute Cardiovascular Care Association (ACVC), European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Current status and needs for changes in critical care training: the voice of the young cardiologists, 2021<ref>{{Cite web|url=||doi=10.1093/ehjacc/zuaa027|title=Current status and needs for changes in critical care training: the voice of the young cardiologists}}</ref>
* Pazdernik M, Holicka M, Pelouch R, Precek J, Widimsky J, Pudich J, Vancata R, Siranec M, Bohm A, Blechova K, Butta T, Mikulcova M, Mikulica M, Wohlfahrt P. Characteristics, management, and outcome of infective endocarditis in the Czech Republic: prospective data from the ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry, 2021<ref>{{Cite journal|title=Characteristics, management, and outcome of infective endocarditis in the Czech Republic: prospective data from the ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry|url=|date=2021|volume=122|issue=02|pages=95–100|issn=1336-0345|doi=10.4149/bll_2021_014|language=en-gb|journal=Bratislava Medical Journal}}</ref>
* Bohm A, Urban L, Tothova L, Bacharova L, Musil P, Kyselovic J, Michalek P, Uher T, Bezak B, Olejnik P, Hatala R. Advanced glycation end products predict long-term outcome of catheter ablation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, 2021<ref>{{Cite journal|title=Advanced glycation end products predict long-term outcome of catheter ablation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation|url=|date=2022-06-01|volume=64|issue=1|pages=17–25|issn=1572-8595|doi=10.1007/s10840-021-00972-6|language=en|journal=Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology}}</ref>
* Bohm A, Urban L, Tothova L, Bezak B, Uher T, Musil P, Kyselovic J, Lipton J, Olejnik P, Hatala R. Concentration of apelin inversely correlates with atrial fibrillation burden, 2021<ref>{{Cite journal|title=Concentration of apelin inversely correlates with atrial fibrillation burden|url=|date=2021|volume=122|issue=03|pages=165–171|issn=1336-0345|doi=10.4149/bll_2021_026|language=en-gb|journal=Bratislava Medical Journal}}</ref>
* Pazdernik M, Gramegna M, Bohm A, Trepa M, Vandenbriele C, De Rosa S, Uzokov J, Aleksic M, Jarakovic M, El Tahlawi M, Mostafa M, Stratinaki M, Araiza-Garaygordobil D, Gubareva E, Duplyakova P, Chacon-Diaz M, Refaat H, Guerra F, Cappelletti AM, Berka V, Westermann D, Schrage B. Regional differences in presentation characteristics, use of treatments and outcome of patients with cardiogenic shock: Results from multicenter, international registry, 2021<ref>{{Cite journal|title=Regional differences in presentation characteristics, use of treatments and outcome of patients with cardiogenic shock: Results from multicenter, international registry|url=|date=2021-09-20|volume=165|issue=3|pages=291–297|doi=10.5507/bp.2021.046|language=en|journal=Biomedical Papers}}</ref>
* Bohm A, Snopek P, Tothova L, Bezak B, Jajcay N, Vachalcova M, Uher T, Kurecko M, Kissova V, Danova K, Olejnik P, Michalek P, Hlavata T, Petrikova K, Mojto V, Kyselovic J, Farsky S. Association Between Apelin and Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With High Risk of Ischemic Stroke, 2021<ref name=":9">{{Cite journal|title=Association Between Apelin and Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With High Risk of Ischemic Stroke|url=|date=2021|volume=8|issn=2297-055X|doi=10.3389/fcvm.2021.742601|journal=Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine}}<cite class="citation journal cs1" data-ve-ignore="true">[ "Association Between Apelin and Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With High Risk of Ischemic Stroke"]. ''Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine''. '''8'''. 2021. [[Doi (identifier)|doi]]:[[doi:10.3389/fcvm.2021.742601|10.3389/fcvm.2021.742601]]. [[ISSN (identifier)|ISSN]]&nbsp;[[issn:2297-055X|2297-055X]].</cite><span title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Ajournal&rft.genre=article&rft.jtitle=Frontiers+in+Cardiovascular+Medicine&rft.atitle=Association+Between+Apelin+and+Atrial+Fibrillation+in+Patients+With+High+Risk+of+Ischemic+Stroke&rft.volume=8&" class="Z3988" data-ve-ignore="true"></span><span class="cs1-maint citation-comment" data-ve-ignore="true"><code class="cs1-code"><nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:Cite journal|cite journal]]<nowiki>}}</nowiki></code>: CS1 maint: unflagged free DOI ([[:Category:CS1 maint: unflagged free DOI|link]])</span>
[[Category:CS1 maint: unflagged free DOI]]</ref>
* S Castelletti, J Kosiuk, R Ladeiras Lopes, A Sohaib, A Bohm, the ESC Board Committee for young cardiovascular professionals, The experience of cardiovascular professional training across europe: preliminary results from the ESC young cardiovascular professionals survey, 2021<ref>{{Cite web|url=||doi=10.1093/eurheartj/ehab724.3145|title=The experience of cardiovascular professional training across europe: preliminary results from the ESC young cardiovascular professionals survey}}</ref>
* Czerwińska-Jelonkiewicz K, Wood A, Bohm A, Kwasiborski P, Oleksiak A, Ryczek R, Grand J, Tavazzi G, Sionis A, Stępińska J. Association between dose of catecholamines and markers of organ injury early after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, 2021<ref>{{Cite journal|title=Association between dose of catecholamines and markers of organ injury early after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest|url=|date=2021-12-28|volume=0|issue=0|issn=1898-018X|doi=10.5603/CJ.a2021.0173|language=en|journal=Cardiology Journal}}</ref>
* Bohm A, Jajcay N. Technical and practical aspects of artificial intelligence in cardiology, 2022<ref>{{Cite journal|title=Technical and practical aspects of artificial intelligence in cardiology|url=|date=2021|volume=123|issue=01|pages=16–21|issn=1336-0345|doi=10.4149/bll_2022_003|language=en-gb|journal=Bratislava Medical Journal}}</ref>
* Bohm A, Jajcay N, Jankova J, Petrikova K, Bezak B. Artificial intelligence model for prediction of cardiogenic shock in patients with acute coronary syndrome, 2022<ref>{{Cite web|url=||doi=10.1093/ehjacc/zuac041.077|title=Artificial intelligence model for prediction of cardiogenic shock in patients with acute coronary syndrome}}</ref>

== References ==
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== Other projects ==
{{Sister project links}}

* [ Allan Böhm] on Twitter
* [ Alfa a omega v zdravotníctve je zatočiť s korupciou. Od novej vlády si v tomto veľa sľubujem, hovorí kardiológ Allan Böhm] – interview for (2020)
[[Kategória:People from Bratislava]]
[[Kategória:Living people]]
[[Kategória:1988 births]]

Verzia z 02:07, 1. február 2024

Šablóna:Infobox scientist

Allan Böhm, MD, MSc, PhD, MBA, FESC, FJCS (* 13 June 1988, Bratislava) is Slovak Cardiologist and Researcher. His main areas of expertise include thrombosis, arrhytmias, acute cardiology, genomics, digital medicine and artificial intelligence.[1][2][3]

He graduated from the 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague. He was awarded an MBA at the Business Institut in Prague[4] and a PhD at the Slovak Medical University in Bratislava. In 2023, he successfully completed his studies at the Universityof Oxford, where he received an MSc degree in Clinial Trials.[5]

In the years 2015 - 2023, he worked as a Cardiologist at the Intensive Cardiac Care Unit at the National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases in Bratislava.[1][3][4][5]

In 2015, he founded Premedix Academy, a non-profit research organization that leads international educational[6][7][8]and research projects in biomedicine.[3][4][9][10][11][12]

In 2018, he actively participated in the establishment of the European Committee for Digital Health[3][13], where he discovered the origins of Precision Medicine.[1][2][14]

In 2020, he became a board member of the European Society of Cardiology[1][3][15][16] becoming the first Slovak[9] to hold this position. Additionally, he became youngest-ever elected member of the society at the age of 31.

In 2021, he established one of the pioneering Precision Medicine clinics in Europe [9] – Premedix Clinic in Bratislava, where he also works as a Cardiologist.

Currently, he also teaches at the III. Department of Intermal Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine atComenius University.[3][17]

In 2022, he founded a medtech start-up Seerlinq focused on the analysis of photoplethysmographic curve utilizing machine learning, which aims to personalize the treatment and diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases.[18][19]


Awards and nominations

  • 2015 – Awarded for outstanding scientific work, Eurothrombosis Congress, Como, Italy[21]
  • 2015 – Awarded for the best research project in Young Investigator Competition, International Electrocardiology Congress, Brasil[22]
  • 2016 – Awarded for Best Scientific Poster, Cardio Update Europe, Budapest, Hungary[21]
  • 2017 – Awarded for the Best Presentation in Difficult Clinical Cases Session, Antithrombotic Therapy Update, Nice, France[21]
  • 2020 – Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology for scientific excellence
  • 2022 – Added to the Britishpedia Encyclopaedia of Successful People in Czech Republic and Slovakia (10th edition)
  • 2022 – Article "Association Between Apelin and Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With High Risk of Ischemic Stroke"[23] included in Highlights in Cardiac Rhythmology: 2021, a selection of 13 high quality articles published in 2021 from the Cardiac Rhythmology section of Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine journal[24][25]
  • 2022 – Fellow of the Japanese Circulation Society[26]
  • 2022 – The Silver Medal of the European Society of Cardiology; recognizing extraordinary contribution to the mission of the European Society of Cardiology
  • 2022 – Finalist in the Outstanding Scientist under 35 category, ESET Science Award[27]

Selected publications

  • Böhm, A., Lauko, V., Dostalova, K. et al. In-vitro antiplatelet effect of melatonin in healthy individuals and patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Endocrinol Invest, 2023[28]
  • Jajcay N, Bezak B, Segev A, Matetzky S, Jankova J, Spartalis M, El Tahlawi M, Guerra F, Friebel J, Thevathasan T, Berta I, Pölzl L, Nägele F, Pogran E, Cader FA, Jarakovic M, Gollmann-Tepeköylü C, Kollarova M, Petrikova K, Tica O, Krychtiuk KA, Tavazzi G, Skurk C, Huber K and Böhm A. Data processing pipeline for cardiogenic shock prediction using machine learning. Front. Cardiovasc. Med., 2023[29]
  • Peterkova, A., Michalconok, G., Bohm, A. (2018). Overview and Comparison of Machine Learning Methods to Build Classification Model for Prediction of Categorical Outcome Based on Medical Data, 2017[30]
  • A Peterkova, M Nemeth, A Bohm.Computing missing values using neural networks in medical field. 2018[31]
  • Böhm A, Hricak V, Tomasovic B, Bena M, Michalek P, Postulka J. Transcatheter Mitral Valve Prosthesis Dysfunction – Early Valve Degeneration or Thrombosis?, 2018[32]
  • Böhm A, Tothova L, Urban L, Slezak P, Musil P, Gazova A, Kyselovic J, Hatala R. Advanced Glycation End-Products Paradox in Patients Undergoing Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation, 2018[33]
  • Nemethova, A., Nemeth, M., Michalconok, G., Bohm, A. (2019). Identification of KDD Problems from Medical Data, 2019[34]
  • Frederix I, Caiani EG, Dendale P, Anker S, Bax J, Böhm A, Cowie M, Crawford J, de Groot N, Dilaveris P, Hansen T, Koehler F, Krstačić G, Lambrinou E, Lancellotti P, Meier P, Neubeck L, Parati G, Piotrowicz E, Tubaro M, van der Velde E. ESC e-Cardiology Working Group Position Paper: Overcoming challenges in digital health implementation in cardiovascular medicine, 2019[35]
  • Bacharova L, Komarova D, Böhm A. IRIS courses for cardiology, 2020[8]
  • Vachalcova M, Valočik G, Kurečko M, Grapsa J, Taha VA, Michalek P, Jankajová M, Sabol F, Kubikova L, Orban M, Uher T, Böhm A. The three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in distinguishing between ischaemic and non-ischaemic aetiology of heart failure, 2020[36]
  • Michalek P, Hatahet SB, Svetlosak M, Margitfalvi P, Waczulikova I, Trnovec S, Böhm A, Benacka O, Hatala R. No Association Between T-peak to T-end Interval on the Resting ECG and Long-Term Incidence of Ventricular Arrhythmias Triggering ICD Interventions, 2020[37]
  • Ladeiras-Lopes, R., Baciu, L., Grapsa, J., Sohaib, A., Vidal-Perez, R., Bohm, A., Silvola, H., Gimenez, M.R., Muscoli, S., Wallner, M. and Rakisheva, A., Social media in cardiovascular medicine: a contemporary review, 2020[38]
  • Böhm A, Vachalcova M, Snopek P, Bacharova L, Komarova D, Hatala R. Molecular Mechanisms, Diagnostic Aspects and Therapeutic Opportunities of Micro Ribonucleic Acids in Atrial Fibrillation, 2020[39]
  • L Bacharova, D Komarova,T Hromadka, V Bacovsky, P Skrak, B Benkoova, A Bohm.Taking advantage of the IRIS experience: utilizing the potential of trainees and faculty. 2021[40]
  • L Bacharova, E Eisenstein, J Lipton, G Kudaiberdieva, K Piotrowicz, P Skrak, T Hromadka, A Bohm. The 29th International Research Interdisciplinary School 2021, Slovakia. IRIS Slovakia 2021 on-line Bratislava, 2021[7]
  • Czerwińska-Jelonkiewicz K, Montero S, Bañeras J, Wood A, Zeid A, De Rosa S, Guerra F, Tica O, Serrano F, Bohm A, Ahrens I, Gierlotka M, Masip J, Bonnefoy E, Lettino M, Kirchhof P, Sionis A; Young National Ambassadors (YNA) of Acute Cardiovascular Care Association (ACVC), European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Current status and needs for changes in critical care training: the voice of the young cardiologists, 2021[41]
  • Pazdernik M, Holicka M, Pelouch R, Precek J, Widimsky J, Pudich J, Vancata R, Siranec M, Bohm A, Blechova K, Butta T, Mikulcova M, Mikulica M, Wohlfahrt P. Characteristics, management, and outcome of infective endocarditis in the Czech Republic: prospective data from the ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry, 2021[42]
  • Bohm A, Urban L, Tothova L, Bacharova L, Musil P, Kyselovic J, Michalek P, Uher T, Bezak B, Olejnik P, Hatala R. Advanced glycation end products predict long-term outcome of catheter ablation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, 2021[43]
  • Bohm A, Urban L, Tothova L, Bezak B, Uher T, Musil P, Kyselovic J, Lipton J, Olejnik P, Hatala R. Concentration of apelin inversely correlates with atrial fibrillation burden, 2021[44]
  • Pazdernik M, Gramegna M, Bohm A, Trepa M, Vandenbriele C, De Rosa S, Uzokov J, Aleksic M, Jarakovic M, El Tahlawi M, Mostafa M, Stratinaki M, Araiza-Garaygordobil D, Gubareva E, Duplyakova P, Chacon-Diaz M, Refaat H, Guerra F, Cappelletti AM, Berka V, Westermann D, Schrage B. Regional differences in presentation characteristics, use of treatments and outcome of patients with cardiogenic shock: Results from multicenter, international registry, 2021[45]
  • Bohm A, Snopek P, Tothova L, Bezak B, Jajcay N, Vachalcova M, Uher T, Kurecko M, Kissova V, Danova K, Olejnik P, Michalek P, Hlavata T, Petrikova K, Mojto V, Kyselovic J, Farsky S. Association Between Apelin and Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With High Risk of Ischemic Stroke, 2021[23]
  • S Castelletti, J Kosiuk, R Ladeiras Lopes, A Sohaib, A Bohm, the ESC Board Committee for young cardiovascular professionals, The experience of cardiovascular professional training across europe: preliminary results from the ESC young cardiovascular professionals survey, 2021[46]
  • Czerwińska-Jelonkiewicz K, Wood A, Bohm A, Kwasiborski P, Oleksiak A, Ryczek R, Grand J, Tavazzi G, Sionis A, Stępińska J. Association between dose of catecholamines and markers of organ injury early after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, 2021[47]
  • Bohm A, Jajcay N. Technical and practical aspects of artificial intelligence in cardiology, 2022[48]
  • Bohm A, Jajcay N, Jankova J, Petrikova K, Bezak B. Artificial intelligence model for prediction of cardiogenic shock in patients with acute coronary syndrome, 2022[49]


  1. a b c d Doctor Allan Bohm [online]. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)
  2. a b Umelá inteligencia je spojenec medicíny. .týždeň (W PRESS), 2022-01-31. Dostupné online. ISSN 1336-653X. Chyba citácie Neplatná značka <ref>; názov „:1“ je použitý viackrát s rôznym obsahom
  3. a b c d e f Cardiovascular Analytics Group (CVAG) - Members [online]. . Dostupné online.
  4. a b c Spíkri - Allan Böhm [online]. Dostupné online.
  5. a b c Spíkri - Allan Böhm [online]. Dostupné online.
  6. IRIS [online]. . Dostupné online.
  7. a b The 29th International Research Interdisciplinary School 2021, Slovakia. IRIS Slovakia 2021 on-line Bratislava, September 13-17, 2021. Heart, Vessels and Transplantation. Dostupné online. DOI10.24969/hvt.2022.300. Chyba citácie Neplatná značka <ref>; názov „:8“ je použitý viackrát s rôznym obsahom
  8. a b IRIS courses for cardiology. European Heart Journal, 2020-01-07, s. 207–207. Dostupné online. ISSN 0195-668X. DOI10.1093/eurheartj/ehz936. (po anglicky) Chyba citácie Neplatná značka <ref>; názov „:7“ je použitý viackrát s rôznym obsahom
  9. a b c Alfa a omega v zdravotníctve je zatočiť s korupciou. Od novej vlády si v tomto veľa sľubujem, hovorí kardiológ Allan Böhm [online]., 2020-07-02. Dostupné online.
  10. Premedix Academy Projects [online]. . Dostupné online.
  11. Srdce pod kontrolou: Štartuje unikátny projekt pre hypertonikov [online]., 2021-10-01. Dostupné online.
  12. Telemedicína a využitie inteligentných zariadení | TOUCHIT [online]., 2021-10-02. Dostupné online.
  13. Editorial Board [online]. Oxford Academic. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)
  14. Precízna medicína vám ušije liečbu na mieru [online]. Dostupné online.
  15. Committee for Young Cardiovascular Professionals [online]. Dostupné online.
  16. The ESC Board 2020–2022. Cardiovascular Medicine, 2020-08-29. Dostupné online. DOI10.4414/cvm.2020.02121. (po anglicky)
  17. Zamestnanci a doktorandi [online]. Dostupné online.
  18. Spíkri - Allan Böhm [online]. Dostupné online.
  19. .jednoducho veda: Ako nás krv drží pri živote aj zabíja [online]. .týždeň - iný pohľad na spoločnosť, 2023-06-15. Dostupné online.
  20. Allan Böhm [online]. Green Templeton College. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)
  21. a b c DIGITAL HEALTH INDUSTRY FORUM, Pre-meeting information [online]. . S. 3-4. Dostupné online.
  22. ISE [online]. Dostupné online.
  23. a b Association Between Apelin and Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With High Risk of Ischemic Stroke. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2021. Dostupné online. ISSN 2297-055X. DOI10.3389/fcvm.2021.742601. Chyba citácie Neplatná značka <ref>; názov „:9“ je použitý viackrát s rôznym obsahom
  24. Highlights in Cardiac Rhythmology: 2021. Frontiers Research Topics. vyd. [s.l.] : Frontiers Media SA, 2022. Dostupné online. ISBN 978-2-88974-831-0. DOI:10.3389/978-2-88974-831-0
  25. Highlights in Cardiac Rhythmology: 2021 | Frontiers Research Topic [online]. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)
  26. JCS 2022 [online]. 2022-03-11. Dostupné online.
  27. Ocenenie výnimočných vedcov ESET Science Award [online]. Dostupné online.
  28. In-vitro antiplatelet effect of melatonin in healthy individuals and patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 2023-05-06. Dostupné online. ISSN 1720-8386. DOI10.1007/s40618-023-02102-7. (po anglicky)
  29. Data processing pipeline for cardiogenic shock prediction using machine learning. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2023-03-23. Dostupné online. ISSN 2297-055X. DOI10.3389/fcvm.2023.1132680.
  30. Overview and Comparison of Machine Learning Methods to Build Classification Model for Prediction of Categorical Outcome Based on Medical Data [online]. Springer International Publishing, 2018. S. 216–224. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-67618-0_20 (po anglicky)
  31. Computing Missing Values Using Neural Networks in Medical Field [online]. IEEE. S. 000151–000156. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1109/INES.2018.8523857
  32. Transcatheter Mitral Valve Prosthesis Dysfunction ― Early Valve Degeneration or Thrombosis? ―. Circulation Journal, 2018, s. 2210–2211. Dostupné online. DOI10.1253/circj.CJ-17-0740.
  33. Advanced glycation end products predict long-term outcome of catheter ablation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology, 2022-06-01, s. 17–25. Dostupné online. ISSN 1572-8595. DOI10.1007/s10840-021-00972-6. (po anglicky)
  34. Identification of KDD Problems from Medical Data [online]. Springer International Publishing, 2019. S. 191–199. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-19810-7_19 (po anglicky)
  35. ESC e-Cardiology Working Group Position Paper: Overcoming challenges in digital health implementation in cardiovascular medicine. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, s. 1166–1177. Dostupné online. ISSN 2047-4873. DOI10.1177/2047487319832394. (po anglicky)
  36. The three‐dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in distinguishing between ischaemic and non‐ischaemic aetiology of heart failure. ESC Heart Failure, s. 2297–2304. Dostupné online. ISSN 2055-5822. DOI10.1002/ehf2.12766. (po anglicky)
  37. No Association Between T-peak to T-end Interval on the Resting ECG and Long-Term Incidence of Ventricular Arrhythmias Triggering ICD Interventions. Frontiers in Physiology, 2020. Dostupné online. ISSN 1664-042X. DOI10.3389/fphys.2020.01115.
  38. Social media in cardiovascular medicine: a contemporary review [online]. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1093/ehjdh/ztaa004
  39. Molecular Mechanisms, Diagnostic Aspects and Therapeutic Opportunities of Micro Ribonucleic Acids in Atrial Fibrillation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, s. 2742. Dostupné online. ISSN 1422-0067. DOI10.3390/ijms21082742. (po anglicky)
  40. Taking advantage of the IRIS experience: utilizing the potential of trainees and faculty. Heart, Vessels and Transplantation. Dostupné online. DOI10.24969/hvt.2021.250.
  41. Current status and needs for changes in critical care training: the voice of the young cardiologists [online]. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1093/ehjacc/zuaa027
  42. Characteristics, management, and outcome of infective endocarditis in the Czech Republic: prospective data from the ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry. Bratislava Medical Journal, 2021, s. 95–100. Dostupné online. ISSN 1336-0345. DOI10.4149/bll_2021_014. (po anglicky)
  43. Advanced glycation end products predict long-term outcome of catheter ablation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology, 2022-06-01, s. 17–25. Dostupné online. ISSN 1572-8595. DOI10.1007/s10840-021-00972-6. (po anglicky)
  44. Concentration of apelin inversely correlates with atrial fibrillation burden. Bratislava Medical Journal, 2021, s. 165–171. Dostupné online. ISSN 1336-0345. DOI10.4149/bll_2021_026. (po anglicky)
  45. Regional differences in presentation characteristics, use of treatments and outcome of patients with cardiogenic shock: Results from multicenter, international registry. Biomedical Papers, 2021-09-20, s. 291–297. Dostupné online. DOI10.5507/bp.2021.046. (po anglicky)
  46. The experience of cardiovascular professional training across europe: preliminary results from the ESC young cardiovascular professionals survey [online]. Dostupné online. DOI:10.1093/eurheartj/ehab724.3145
  47. Association between dose of catecholamines and markers of organ injury early after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Cardiology Journal, 2021-12-28. Dostupné online. ISSN 1898-018X. DOI10.5603/CJ.a2021.0173. (po anglicky)
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