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Stark Audio is a Slovak company producing and designing high end audio speakers (Stark Audio) and audio accessories (Stark Accessories). Stark produces high quality products which are hand crafter in the Slovak Republic.

In 2010 Gabriel Stark owner developer and designer of Stark Audio[1] established the brand of Stark Audio. After previous years of experience with consumer electronics Gabries decided to set up his own brand dedicated to audio products.

  1. ALI. STARK audio - AUDIO TRANSCENDENCE since 2010 [online]. 2021-08-05, [cit. 2021-10-05]. Dostupné online.

2011: Gabriel Stark´s first prototype projects Euphory One and Euphory Two.

2012: First series production of floorstanding speakers Fusion and their promotion and placement on the Slovak national market.

2013: Design, development and production and of Gustav One and Gustav Three models.

2014: Passive speaker Eight produced for iPhones and sold worldwide.

2015: Birth of Emma, the flagship speakers’ model of Stark Audio.

2016: Jane speakers developed in collaboration with Analog Domain. Studies conducted under the supervision of Professor Despotov. First presence of Stark Audio at the High End Munich Expo together with Analog Domain. Meanwhile, the Stark Towers speakers’ development took place.

2017: Stark Towers’ passive and active version of mono speaker were the first active speakers designed and developed by Stark. Development of Argus speakers series with Analog Domain.

2018: Beginning the development of a fully active pair of Stark Audio speakers. Successful participation of Stark Audio at High End Munich Expo with Emma and Jane models.

2019: Development of Stark Eight active speakers.

2020: Finalization of Eight I. and Eight II. speakers by Stark Audio.

2021: Rebranding of Stark Audio including new brand identity and commitment to sustainable production of Stark Audio speakers. Establishment of Stark division dedicated to Stark Accessories.

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