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Diskusia k Wikipédii:Wiki miluje pamiatky/Archív 2012

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Instead of Step 2: Go to the special “Wiki Loves Monuments” upload form. you should write, because the upload form is not a standard:

  • 2. Find the list of cummunity and search the monument, of which you want upload the photo
  • 3. Click on the icon foto - and you find a prefilled upload form . Add the missing values, like a category and click Upload. So you can one photo after the other upload.

--K@rl 19:19, 17. september 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]

Hi Karl, I've incorporated that in brief. [1] Regards --Teslaton (diskusia) 19:35, 17. september 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]
thx a lot. --regards K@rl 19:47, 17. september 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]

Perhaps somebody can add to this article the GLAM-Price from Europeana, like:

Additional to the WLM can each photo, which shows a

  • Galery
  • Library
  • Archiv
  • Museum

can be participate on challenge of Europeana.

This take place very simple, if you add inside of photo description on commons Category:GLAM images from Wiki Loves Monuments 2012.

If you can see, the category is not very full, so the chance is grater to win something.

regards K@rl 06:06, 19. september 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]

add. Info:

I included it in the article. :) Jetam2 (diskusia) 03:04, 23. september 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]


[upraviť zdroj]

Some hours before the result from last year with 168.208 photos was reached now - also sk-photos are here included :-) --K@rl 13:18, 20. september 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]

Unique filename

[upraviť zdroj]

PLease translate and add the recommandation to the fitting place:

  • Please use for your photo an unique name, because you will find many "radnicy" but perhaps one "Bratislava_radnica_01.jpg" -

The cause, is that few photos with only a simple name have overwritten strange photos from other user, unnoticed from himself. So the old photos were loosen. --thx K@rl 13:17, 22. september 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]

Done. Thanks, Karl. Jetam2 (diskusia) 18:24, 22. september 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]

Uzávierka foto súťaže 2012

[upraviť zdroj]

Na českej stránke sa píše: Soutěž ve většině zemí bude probíhat ještě několik dní, do konce měsíce září (výjimkou je pouze Slovensko a Izrael – Slovensko se zapojilo později a Izrael používá jiný kalendář, takže soutěž končí oficiálně až 13. října).

Je táto informácia o tom, že konečný dátum pre Slovensko je posunutý, správna? Ak áno, tak by sa to malo aj publikovať. --LacoR (diskusia) 01:59, 25. september 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]

Informácie nie je správna, súťaž pokračuje len do 30. septembra. Jetam2 (diskusia) 05:28, 25. september 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]

Unused photos

[upraviť zdroj]

Hi together, on Redaktor:Multichill/Unused Monument Slovakia is a list of photos, which can be used lists of monuments. With the link at the bottom of photo you can jump directly to the list with the empty photofield. (Please translate, thx) --K@rl 07:17, 28. september 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]

Ahojte, na Redaktor:Multichill/Unused Monument Slovakia je zoznam fotiek, ktoré môžu byť použité pre zoznamy pamiatok. Link na spodku vedie k zoznamu s prázdym foto políčkom. Jetam2 (diskusia) 09:43, 28. september 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]

750 photo

[upraviť zdroj]

This afternoon, Wikipedia slovakia has gotten its 750th photo - I find it for an great success. --K@rl 18:27, 30. september 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]

Uncategorized photos

[upraviť zdroj]

Perhaps anybody can set the uploaded photos in commons:Category:Cultural heritage monuments in Slovakia needing checks insted of this in the correct category. There are not so many. Thx. K@rl 18:43, 30. september 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]

Wiki Loves Monuments is finished

[upraviť zdroj]

The result are 762 new photos from slovakian monuments, made from 29 photographers. A grat success for the short time. The total result for all countries of world are 360.239 photos. please translate the slovak results also to the main page of WLM. --K@rl 22:04, 30. september 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]

Categorizing of photos

[upraviť zdroj]

In context with WLM it's to say also. that in the months of cunstruction of the lists of each community more than 4.000 photos were categorized and furnished with PUSR. --K@rl 17:28, 1. október 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]

Template change

[upraviť zdroj]

The Šablóna:Kultúrne pamiatky na Slovensku - info should be changed, because WLM is finished. A Ďakujem for the photographers would be better ;-) --K@rl 22:13, 1. október 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]

Jury WLM-sk 2012?

[upraviť zdroj]

Len malá otázka - kto tvorí porotu pre slovenskú časť WLM 2012? A kedy budú známe výsledky? --LacoR (diskusia) 15:46, 31. október 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]

Ahoj, porotu tvoria dvaja Wikipedisti z Rakúska: Haeferl a Marco74, zástupca Pamiatkového úradu Patrick Guldan a fotograf Jozef Baláž. Výsledky budú známe 31.10.12. --Jetam2 (diskusia) 16:28, 31. október 2012 (UTC)[odpovedať]