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Diskusia s redaktorom:Meszaros Miklos

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z Wikipédie, slobodnej encyklopédie

Móric Beňovský

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Hello Miklos. Slovak ancestry of Móric Beňovský is appropriately inline referenced in the initial section using multiple reliable sources. Please stop unexplained ad-hoc deletions like [1], they will be treated as a vandalism. --Teslaton (diskusia) 09:24, 17. november 2016 (UTC) Dear Sir, I have doubts about the sources and their reliability. Please, just because I have different opinion do not use word as vandalism. I did not told you that you are a liar because you have different opinion. V matrike svätojurského gymnázia je zapísaný ako "šľachtic slovenský z Vrbového v Nitrianskej stolici". Tvrdenia, že to bol Maďar alebo Poliak sú nesprávne. Zdroj: Beňová, Jana: K Móricovi Beňovskému sa hlásia tri národy. SME, 24.8.2006 str. 33. SME is nothing else just a newpaper, not reliable source. Sorry.--Meszaros Miklos (diskusia) 14:45, 17. november 2016 (UTC)[odpovedať]

Zistili sme, že experimentuješ s Wikipédiou. Tvoj experiment fungoval a následne bol odstránený. Ak chceš ďalej experimentovať, použi, prosím, svoje, alebo verejné pieskovisko a riaď sa pokynmi na ňom, pretože pokusy v článkoch sú zvyčajne rýchlo zmazané. Ak sa chceš dozvedieť o prispievaní do Wikipédie, pozri sa na stránku Vitajte vo Wikipédii.

--Gepetito (diskusia) 19:26, 17. november 2016 (UTC)[odpovedať]

Dear Sir, thank you for your opinion. My sources are from English Wikipedia. Local sources which states that other opinions are not relevant seems to me more like communistic ideology as so called reliable sources very doubtful. Please accept other opinions and then I am ready to accept yours. Just to mention that you do not talk to me as to a human beeing, but call me vandal and ad-hoc deletion. The sources you mentioned are not reliable according to me. Sure, I can understand differnet opinion, why not. Are your ready to accept other opinions? By the way, did you know somebody from the family Benovszky? Me yes.--Meszaros Miklos (diskusia) 19:40, 17. november 2016 (UTC)[odpovedať]

Last warning

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Hi Meszaros Miklos. Your content removal does not appear constructive, and has been reverted. If you continue, you may be blocked indefinitely from editing Slovak Wikipedia. --ILoveJuice (diskusia) 19:59, 17. november 2016 (UTC) I am sure you can manage that. I remember very well the communistic manners that were dealing with other opinion the same way. --Meszaros Miklos (diskusia) 20:03, 17. november 2016 (UTC)[odpovedať]