In the Palace
"In The Palace" International Short Film Festival (bulh. В двореца – V dvoreca, doslova V paláci) je medzinárodný festival krátkych filmov v Bulharsku. Jeden z najväčších a najznámejších filmových festivalov v Európe, ktorý prezentuje filmy rôznych štýlov a žánrov do dĺžky 27 minút. Pôvodne sa konal vo Velingrade, od roku 2003, no po roku 2015 sa vďaka jeho rastúcej popularite uskutočnila jeho hlavná časť v decembri v Sofii. Z hlavného mesta sa festival presunul ďalej do regiónov.
V súčasnosti sa koná už 14. ročník festivalu v štyroch rôznych mestách: Sofia (december 2016), Veliko Tărnovo (apríl – máj 2017), Varna (máj – jún 2017) a nakoniec v Balčik (jún – júl 2017). Posledný festivalový deň bude 1. júla. Hlavným cieľom festivalu je prezentovať a prispievať k rozvoju súčasného filmového umenia v Bulharsku a rovnako aj v celej Európe. Zároveň vytvárať priaznivé prostredie a platformu pre mladých filmárov a profesionálov. Organizáciu festivalu majú na starosti mladí dobrovoľníci z mnohých európskych krajín (Anglicko, Bulharsko, Lotyšsko, Rumunsko, Slovensko, Slovinsko, Španielsko, Taliansko a iné).
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Festival bol pôvodne koncipovaný ako fórum pre študentské filmy. Prvý raz sa konal v roku 2003 vo Velingrade. Neskôr sa presunul do Sofie a ďalších miest pozdĺž Bulharska.
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]„V paláci“ organizuje Nadácia SFF a Komunitné centrum Vešina v partnerstve s podporou mesta Sofia, ministerstva kultúry, Bulharského národného filmového centra, Národného paláca kultúry a Sofijskej univerzity Sv. Kliment Ohridski.
Festival má konkurenčnú povahu vrátane medzinárodných, národných a študentských súťaží. Zúčastnené filmy určuje výberová komisia a hodnotí ich medzinárodná porota.
[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]Rok | Film | Režisér | Krajina | Cena |
2024 | Things Unheard Of | Ramazan Kiliç | TR | Best Fiction |
Savage | Léonore Mercier | FR | Best Documentary | |
Duck | Elie Chapius | CH/BE | Best Animation | |
Two Times Two | Andrey Paounov | BG/DE | Best National | |
WAVEWIDTH | Ethann Néon | BE | Best Experimental | |
LIZA, GO ON! | Nana Janelidze | BG/GE | Best Full-length | |
SYNCOPE | Linus von Stumberg | CH | Best Student Fiction | |
Modern Masturbation Allegory | Xinyi Li | UK | Best Student Documentary | |
Such Miracles Do Happen | Barbara Rupik | PL | Best Student Animation | |
FAMILY PORTRAIT OF THE BLACK EARTH | Ivan Popov - Zaeka | BG | Special Mention in National | |
Alarms | Nicolas Panay | FR | Special Mention in Fiction | |
ANQUE ES SE NOCHE | Guillermo García López | ES/FR | Special Mention in Fiction | |
Coal | Saman Lotfian | IRN | Special Mention in Fiction | |
Summertime | Sara Scalera | IT | Special Mention in Fiction | |
Taste Life | Léo-Antonin Lutinier | FR | Special Mention in Fiction | |
Knin-Zadar | Melita Vrsaljko | HR | Special Mention in Documentary | |
Salute To The Sun | Darko Masnec | HR | Special Mention in Animation | |
DRIJF | Levi Stoops | BE | Special Mention in Animation | |
Crust | Jens Kevin Georg | DE | Special Mention in Student Fiction | |
Carry On Painting | Jan-Oke Jens | DE | Special Mention in Student Documentary | |
DODO | Yi Luo | DE | Special Mention in Student Animation | |
2023 | Lou's Neighbour | Victoria Lafaurie, Hector Albouker | FR | Best Fiction |
Black Wagon | Adilet Karzhoev | KGZ | Best Documentary | |
The Business of Pleasure | Goce Cvetanovski | MK | Best Full-Length | |
Dog - Apartment | Priit Tender | EST | Best Animation | |
Crack of dawn | Anna Llargués | ES | Best Student Fiction | |
Town Hall Square | Christian Kaufmann | DE | Best Student Animation | |
Familiar Stranger | Sara Furrer, Fabian Lütolf | CH | Best Student Documentary | |
Dear Passengers | Madli Lääne | EST | Best National | |
How to Bury a Dragon | Martin Markov | BG | Best Experimental | |
2022 | My eyes | Tommaso Acquarone | IT | Best Fiction |
Holy Slut | Fred Mascaras | FR | Best Documentary | |
LOOP | Pablo Polledri | ARG | Best Animation | |
Rootless | Stefani Doychinova | BG | Best National | |
Wall Piano | Asma Ghanem Christopher Marianetti Alexia Webster | PS | Best Experimental | |
Living All of Life | Marlén Ríos-Farjat | MEX | Best Student Fiction | |
Other Half | Lina Kalcheva | UK | Best Student Animation | |
2021 | Black Hole | Tristan Aymon | CH | Best Fiction |
Mutha & The Death of Ham-Ma-Fuku | Daniel Suberviola | ES | Best Documentary | |
Boxballet | Anton Dyakov | RU | Best Animation | |
Good Night, Lily | Peter Vulchev | BG | Best National | |
The Night Shatters my Shadows | Luis Esguerra Cifuentes | COL | Best Experimental | |
ONDINE | Tomasz Sliwinski | PL | Best Midlength Film | |
The Dress | Tadeusz Łysiak | PL | Best Student Fiction | |
May The World Not Carry You | Rozalia Las | PL | Best Student Animation | |
2020 | Sticker | Georgi M. Unkovski | MK | Best Fiction |
Danielle | Gareth Warland | SE | Best Documentary | |
My Galactic Twin Galaction | Sasha Svirsky | RU | Best Animation | |
The Night Shift | Yordan Petkov, Eddy Schwartz | BG/FR/BE | Best National | |
Where is Lotte? | Petra Zopnek | AT | Best Experimental | |
The Lost Scot | Julien Cornwall | UK | Best Student Fiction | |
Un Diable Dans La Poche | Antoine Bonnet, Mathilde Loubes | FR | Best Student Animation | |
2019 | Brotherhood | Meryam Joobeur | CA | Best Fiction |
Lifeboat | Skye Fitzgerald | USA | Best Documentary | |
He Can't Live Without Cosmos | Konstantin Bronzit | RU | Best Animation | |
Task of The Day | Petya Zlateva | BG | Best National | |
Buzz Riot | Rudi van der Marwe | CH | Best Experimental | |
Double D | Fey Lehiane | NL | Best Student Fiction | |
The Kite | Martin Smatana | CZ/PL/SK | Best Student Animation | |
2018 | Wave | Benjamin Cleary, TJ O'Grady Peyto | IRL | Best Fiction |
Rakijada- Distillated Village Tales | Nikola Ilic | CH/SRB | Best Documentary | |
Confino | Nico Bonomolo | IT | Best Animation | |
Bango Vasil | Milen Vitanov, Vera Trajanova | BG/DE | Best National | |
Shadows | Victoria Karakoleva | BG | Best Student Fiction | |
The Sandman | Lauren Knapp | USA | Best Student Documentary | |
Happy End | Jan Saska | CZ | Best Student Animation | |
2016 - 2017 | An Ordinary Life | Sonia Rolland | FR | Best Fiction |
Nobody Dies Here | Simon Panay | FR | Best Documentary | |
Woolen Cogwheels | Bartosz Kedzierski | PL | Best Animation | |
Maybe Tommorow | Martin Iliev | BG/DE | Best National | |
2015 | International competition | Solo Rex | François Bierry | BE | Best Fiction |
The Beast | Daina Oniunas-Pusic | PL | Special Mention in Fiction | |
Invisible | Zofia Pregowska | PL | Best Documentary | |
Daewit | David Jansen | DE | Best Animation | |
Patarei Prison | Ricard Carbonell | ES/EE | Best Experimental | |
2015 | National competition | Parking | Ivaylo Minov | BG | Best National |
Auf Wiedersehen | Eddy Schwartz & Yordan Petkov | BG | Special Mention in National | |
Grumpy Does Repairs | Radostina Neykova & Sofiya Ilieva | BG | Special Mention in National | |
2015 | Student's competition | Such a Landscape | Jagoda Szelc | PL | Best Fiction |
The Forgotten | Mauricia Caro | CO | Special Mention in Fiction | |
Last Base | Aslak Danbolt | NO/UK | Special Mention in Fiction | |
Cipriana | Maruani Landa | MX/FR | Special Mention in Fiction | |
Retracing | Merja Hannikainen | BA/DE | Best Documentary | |
Invisible | Zofia Pregowska | PL | Special Mention in Documentary | |
What I Forgot to Say | Patrick Buhr | DE | Best Animation | |
Rubbish | Angella Lipskaya | RU | Special Mention in Animation | |
The Revolution Hunter | Margarida Rego | PT | Best Experimental | |
Four Domestic Episodes Under a Beautiful Stormy Day | Mariano Leguizamón | AR | Special Mention in Experimental | |
Bandit and The Ram | Alberto Iordanov | BG | Best National | |
2014 | Belinda Beautiful | Marianne Blicher | DK | Best International Fiction |
Stereo Love | Martin Iliev | BG | Best Bulgarian Fiction | |
The Visit | Matej Bobrik | PL | Best Documentary | |
Choir Tour | Edmunds Jansons | LV | Best Animated Film | |
Butter Lamp | Hu Wei | CN/FR | Best Experimental | |
Heart of Lead | Slava Doytcheva | BG/UK | Euroshorts Special Mention | |
The Haunted House of Musachevo | Emil Denev | BG | Pitching Technical Support Adward | |
The House | Yana Titova | BG | Pitching Grant Gold Bullion | |
Newton's First Law | Piero Messina | IT | Special Mention for Cinematography | |
Butter Lamp | Hu Wei | CN | Grand Prix Silver Princess | |
The Way | Max Ksjonda | UA | Black Sea Competition Special Mention | |
Lada | Dieter Deswarte | RU | Best Black Sea Short | |
Abracadafart | Jean-Luc Slock | BE | Best Animated Film | |
2013 | Loneliness | Liova Jedlicki | FR/RO | Grand Prix Silver Princess |
Barvalo | Rasmus Kloster Bro | DK | Best International Fiction | |
Botev is an Idiot | Deyan Bararev | BG | Best Bulgarian Fiction | |
Dogs | Pedro Pío | CU | Best Documentary | |
The Visitor | George deChev | BG/NL | Best Animated Film | |
Eat | Moritz Krämer | DE | Best Experimental | |
2012 | International competition | The Factory | Aly Muritiba | BR | Best Fiction |
One More Time! | Pavlyicheva Nataliya, Ovchinnikova Ekaterina, Okruznova Tatyana, Yakhyaeva Alina, Petrova Elena, Arkhipova Mariya | RU | Best Animation | |
Machine Man | Roser Corella, Alfonso Moral | ES | Best Documentary | |
The Night of the Moon Has Many Hours | Mauricio Arango | CO/US | Best Experimental | |
2012 | National competition | The Paraffin Prince | Pavel G. Vesnakov | BG | Best National |
Father | Ivan Bogdanov | BG/HR/DE | Best Animation | |
Section 59 | David Djambazov, Anna Stoeva | BG | Best Documentary | |
Rew Day | Svilen Dimitrov | BG | Special mention | |
2011 | Dissection of a Storm | Julio Soto Gúrpide | ES | Best Film |
Mother | Jakub Piatek | PL | Best Documentary | |
The Order Of Things | César Esteban | ES | Best International | |
Trains | Pavel G. Vesnakov | BG | Best National | |
Danny boy | Marek Skrobecki | CH | Best Animated Film | |
Her mother's daughters | Oonagh Kearney | IE | Best Experimental | |
Oliviero Toscani – The Rage Of Images | Peter Scharf, Katja Duregger | DE | Best TV Film | |
2010 | War | Paolo Sassanelli | IT | Best Fiction |
Thank You Skinhead Girl | Sharon Woodward | UK | Best Documentary | |
Ru | Florentine Grelier | FR | Best Animation | |
Gardens of Concrete | Genka Shikerova | BG | Best TV Film | |
2009 | Hammerhead | Sam Donovan | UK | Best Fiction |
Rough Cut | Firouzeh Khosrovani | IR | Best Documentary | |
Three Of Us | Umesh Vinayak Kulkarni | IN | Best Documentary | |
Mrs. G. | Michal Zabka | CZ | Best Animation | |
Bulgaria: The Traces Of Terrorism | Kanna Racheva | BG | Best TV Film | |
2008 | Friend's Place, Enemy's place | Elham Hosseinzadeh | IR | Best Fiction |
Zohar | Yasmine Novak | IL | Best Fiction | |
2007 | The T-shirt | Hossein Martin Fazeli | SK | Best Fiction |
Sona and her family | Daniela Rusnokova | SK | Best Documentary | |
T.O.M. | Tom Brown, Daniel Gray | UK | Best Animation | |
A little tiger | Anna-Carin Andersson | SE | Special Jury Award | |
2006 | Quick View | Matjaz Ivanisin | SI | Grand Prix |
Ousmane | Dyana Gaye | FR/SN | Best Fiction | |
The Intimacy of Strangers | Eva Weber | UK | Best Documentary | |
Rabbit | Run Rake | UK | Best Animation | |
Motodrom | Jörg Wagner | DE | Special Jury Award | |
2005 | Grief | Daniel Lang | DE | Best Fiction |
Belgrad Backspin | Anne Misselwitz, Moritz Siebert, Margarete Misselwitz | DE | Best Documentary | |
Badgered | Sharon Colman | UK | Best Animation | |
2004 | America | Sigal Mordechai | IL | Grand Prix |
Public / Private | Christoph Behl | AR | Best Fiction | |
Bourgas by Taralezhkov | Dimitar Taralezhkov | BG | Best Documentary | |
Brand Spanking | John-Paul Harney | UK | Best Animation | |
2003 | Resurrection | Petar Valchanov | BG | Best Fiction |
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[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]- Archivované 2017-06-03 na Wayback Machine – oficiálna stránka
-, 20 May 2014
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